Poor Things: 10 Similar Movies You Cannot Miss

‘Poor Things’ is a black comedy fantasy film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, featuring a stellar cast including Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, Ramy Youssef, Christopher Abbott, and Jerrod Carmichael. This cinematic gem is an adaptation of Alasdair Gray’s 1992 novel of the same name. The narrative unfolds with the resurrection of Bella, a young woman brought back to life by the scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter. Initially sheltered under Baxter’s wing, the naive Bella yearns to explore the world. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she decides to break free from Baxter’s protection and embarks on a wild adventure with Duncan Wedderburn, a cunning and debauched lawyer. As Bella traverses continents, the film explores themes of equality and liberation, providing a thought-provoking and visually stunning experience for audiences. Here is the list of 10 movies like ‘Poor Things’ you should check out.

10. Pity (2018)

Directed by Babis Makridis, ‘Pity’ is a dark comedy that explores the bizarre world of a man addicted to the sympathy of others. The film revolves around a lawyer who revels in the attention and compassion he receives due to his wife’s perpetual comatose state. As he becomes increasingly addicted to pity, the movie unfolds in a surreal and absurd fashion, much like ‘Poor Things.’ Both films share a unique blend of black comedy and fantasy elements, challenging societal norms while providing thought-provoking narratives that delve into the complexities of human behavior and relationships.

9. Voyagers (2021)

Directed by Neil Burger, ‘Voyagers‘ is a sci-fi thriller that shares thematic elements with ‘Poor Things.’ Set in a dystopian future, the film follows a group of young people sent on a space mission to colonize a distant planet. As they embark on their journey, they grapple with the consequences of genetic manipulation designed to suppress emotions. The films share a common thread in their exploration of the human psyche and the consequences of tampering with fundamental aspects of identity.

8. Attenberg (2010)

‘Attenberg’ is a Greek drama that navigates the eccentricities of human relationships and societal norms. Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari, the film revolves around Marina, played by Ariane Labed, a young woman grappling with the complexities of intimacy and adulthood in a small industrial town. Much like ‘Poor Things,’ ‘Attenberg’ combines dark humor with a unique narrative style, exploring unconventional themes through its characters. Both films share a penchant for unconventional storytelling and a focus on characters navigating societal expectations, presenting audiences with narratives that challenge traditional norms.

7. Coraline (2009)

While ‘Coraline‘ and ‘Poor Things’ differ in genre, they share thematic elements related to alternate realities and the exploration of unconventional worlds. ‘Coraline,’ directed by Henry Selick, is a stop-motion animated dark fantasy film based on Neil Gaiman’s novella. The story follows Coraline Jones, voiced by Dakota Fanning, as she discovers a parallel world that initially seems ideal but takes a sinister turn. Similarly, ‘Poor Things’ explores a fantastical narrative with unexpected twists, emphasizing the unpredictable nature of alternate realities.

6. Depraved (2019)

In Larry Fessenden’s ‘Depraved,’ the echoes of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ reverberate through the alleys of contemporary Brooklyn. The film introduces Alex, a war-torn surgeon, breathing life into the creature Adam, exploring the consequences of tampering with life. In a parallel narrative, ‘Poor Things’ dances with the fantastical, raising questions about resurrection and societal norms. Fessenden’s modern twist on Shelley’s classic mirrors ‘Poor Things’ in their shared exploration of the ethical intricacies surrounding creation. Both films unravel the tapestry of humanity, stitching together thought-provoking tales that challenge our understanding of existence, morality, and the profound implications of toying with the boundaries of life.

5. Frankenstein (2004)

‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Poor Things’ are connected through their shared exploration of the moral and ethical implications surrounding the creation of life. While ‘Poor Things’ modernizes the theme with a black comedy twist, ‘Frankenstein,’ directed by James Whale, is a classic tale that serves as a foundation for such narratives. Mary Shelley’s iconic story, brought to life on screen, revolves around Dr. Frankenstein’s ambitious experiment to animate a creature from assembled body parts. Both films grapple with the consequences of playing god and the societal repercussions of challenging the natural order. ‘Frankenstein’ stars Boris Karloff in the iconic role of the Creature, creating a seminal work that laid the groundwork for future explorations of resurrection and its moral quandaries.

4. Anomalisa (2015)

‘Anomalisa’ and ‘Poor Things’ converge in their exploration of the human experience. While ‘Poor Things’ weaves a black comedy fantasy, ‘Anomalisa,’ directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, takes a unique stop-motion animated route to delve into the ordinary. Both narratives challenge conventional norms, portraying protagonists navigating distinct challenges in understanding themselves and the world. ‘Anomalisa’ unfolds the tale of a man perceiving uniformity in everyone until encountering an exceptional anomaly. With distinctive visual styles and unconventional storytelling, both films intricately probe individuality and societal expectations. Starring David Thewlis, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Tom Noonan, ‘Anomalisa’ crafts an emotionally resonant cinematic journey.

3. Monster Squad (1987)

Directed by Fred Dekker, ‘Monster Squad’ is a nostalgic adventure film that brings together a group of kids to combat classic movie monsters, including Count Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, and the Wolfman. The film features a charming ensemble cast, including Andre Gower, Robby Kiger, and Duncan Regehr as Count Dracula. In a blend of humor and fantasy, the kids discover a hidden society and must prevent the unleashed monsters from wreaking havoc on the world. In relation to ‘Poor Things,’ both films share a thematic link in their imaginative storytelling, offering unique takes on fantastical realms and unlikely alliances, albeit in different genres.

2. Dogtooth (2009)

Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, ‘Dogtooth‘ is a surreal exploration of control, societal norms, and the consequences of isolation. The film revolves around a father who keeps his children confined within a distorted reality, shielding them from the outside world. As the narrative unfolds, it delves into the complexities of power, rebellion, and the quest for individuality. In a thematic kinship, ‘Poor Things,’ a black comedy fantasy, disrupts societal expectations through resurrection. Despite differing genres, both films share a provocative lens on societal constructs, challenging viewers to confront the boundaries imposed by authority and tradition while navigating the intricacies of identity and liberation.

1. Frankenhooker (1990)

‘Frankenhooker’ and ‘Poor Things’ share a thematic link in their unconventional take on life and resurrection. While ‘Poor Things’ explores the consequences of bringing a woman back to life, ‘Frankenhooker,’ directed by Frank Henenlotter, takes a comedic and horror-infused approach to the idea of resurrection. In ‘Frankenhooker,’ a mad scientist uses body parts from deceased prostitutes to reassemble his girlfriend. Both films incorporate dark humor and fantastical elements to tackle themes of life, death, and the consequences of playing with the boundaries of existence. ‘Frankenhooker’ stars James Lorinz and Patty Mullen, delivering a unique blend of horror and humor in its exploration of the macabre.

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