‘My 600-lb Life’ has been a groundbreaking reality television series that has captivated audiences with its dramatic and heartfelt moments. Season 2 of the show, created by renowned bariatric surgeon Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, commonly known as Dr. Now, offers the audience an unfiltered look into the lives of individuals struggling with extreme obesity. It documents their courageous journey to regain control of their health and lives by undergoing weight loss surgery and making profound lifestyle changes and sheds light on the challenges and triumphs faced by these individuals.
Dr. Younan Nowzaradan’s tough-love approach and unwavering commitment to his patients have been instrumental in their transformations. If you have been fascinated by the journeys of these individuals and are wondering about their post-show life, we have got you covered. Let’s delve into the lives of the individuals from season 2 of ‘My 600-lb Life’ and see where they are now.
Tara Taylor is a Devoted Mother Today
Tara Taylor embarked on her journey to transform her life on ‘My 600-lb Life’ weighing an astounding 606 pounds. Her motivation was to become a better parent to her children. Through dedicated efforts, including dieting, exercise, and surgery, she managed to shed an incredible 278 pounds during her episode. After returning to Lafayette, Louisiana, Tara continued her commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
In 2019, she got engaged to Eugene Parker, but their relationship took a downturn when Tara discovered Eugene’s infidelity, leading to their breakup. Tara is now a devoted single mother to her children, prioritizing their well-being. Her social media posts reflect her newfound confidence and her readiness to find a partner who matches her energy and values. She is also committed to her weight loss journey and her role as a loving mother.
How Did James King Die?
James King’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ was marked by struggles and controversies. With a weight of over 700 pounds, he faced significant health issues due to his obesity. However, a major confrontation with Dr. Now occurred when James’s wife, Lisa King, was accused of sneaking food to him from the outside world, jeopardizing his weight loss progress. When James refused Dr. Now’s suggestion of banning Lisa from the hospital, he was eventually dropped from the program.
In the ‘Where Are They Now’ episode in 2018, James King’s battle took a tragic turn as he gained more pounds and weighed 840 pounds. Even though he lost around 340 pounds after his appearance on the show, he later experienced liver and kidney failure caused by his excessive weight. Regrettably, he passed away in 2020 at the age of 49. However, his story still serves as a poignant reminder of the immense challenges faced by those struggling with extreme obesity.
Paula Jones is Living a Healthier Lifestyle Now
Paula Jones embarked on her remarkable journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ with an initial weight of 542 pounds. Her transformation involved embracing an all-liquid diet and undergoing weight loss bypass surgery. Her unwavering determination paid off, bringing her down to approximately 200 pounds. Since her appearance on ‘My 600-lb Life,’ Paula has managed to maintain her weight loss and live a healthier lifestyle with her family.
In 2017, she shared heartwarming news with her followers, revealing that she had found a new partner with whom she had shared an incredibly loving and fulfilling year. She celebrated a significant milestone when she welcomed her first granddaughter, Laylani Saior Lisaula, on June 12, 2019. In addition to her personal milestones, Paula has also devoted herself to supporting important events in New Jersey, such as the Southeast Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Conference, and has contributed to the Special Olympics.
In 2020, she revealed that she had remarried and was settling in nicely with her new husband. However, in March 2023, Paula revealed that she is now single and looking forward to moving on. Currently, Paula thrives in her role as a Port Drayage Trucking Dispatcher at H&M Intermodal Services, residing in the bustling New York City Metropolitan Area. Her resilience and determination remain unwavering, and she continues to focus on personal growth and well-being.
Christina Phillips is Focusing on Spending Time With Family
Christina Phillips’ transformation in season 2 stands out as one of the most remarkable in the show’s history. At 708 pounds, her weight caused her to be unable to get out of bed for two years before she decided to take control of her life. Initially, she faced a few challenges, but she persevered and qualified for bariatric surgery, resulting in a dramatic weight loss of approximately 500 pounds. Christina’s journey continued after the show as she faced mental health challenges, including anxiety about regaining weight. However, she received therapy and underwent skin removal surgery, further enhancing her transformation.
Christina also divorced her then-husband, Zach, who wasn’t supportive of her transformation. Since her time in the spotlight, she has welcomed two children named Ethan and Ezra and is currently pregnant with a girl. Some believe that the father of Ethan is Shane, Christina’s ex-boyfriend. It is possible that either Shane prefers to stay out of the spotlight, or maybe Christina has found a new partner. Either way, her journey serves as an inspiration to those struggling with extreme obesity, showcasing the possibilities of reclaiming one’s life and dreams.
Penny Saeger Likes To Live a Quiet Life Today
Penny Saeger’s journey was characterized by challenges, emotional moments, and failure. Even after undergoing weight loss surgery, Penny faced difficulties in achieving significant weight loss. Dr. Nowzaradan referred to her as “delusional” due to her struggles with dietary discipline. In the ‘Where Are They Now’ reunion episode, Penny admitted that not much had changed in her lifestyle since her appearance on the show. She had lost 35 pounds but still faced mobility issues. Penny’s story underscores the complexities of obesity and the difficulty of changing long-established habits. Despite the challenges, she continues to navigate her journey and face life’s ups and downs.
Chuck Turner is Living a Low-Key Life Now
Chuck Turner’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ Season 2 was marked by determination and success. He started with around 700 pounds and with the help of a diet program and a gastric bypass surgery, he had a weight loss of 433 pounds. After his transformation, Chuck focused on his business, Turner Wrecker Service towing company, which thrived with his newfound mobility. He expanded his operations and hired employees to keep up with demand.
Unfortunately, his weight loss didn’t help his relationship, and he split from his then-wife, Nissa, who also took full custody of their son, Nathan. Chuck also experienced changes in his personal life. He found love and got married to a woman named Erica, but the relationship eventually ended in divorce. Even with its ups and downs, his story showcases the possibility of rebuilding one’s life and finding happiness.
Olivia Cruz is Living a Private Life Now
Olivia Cruz’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ Season 2 was marked by determination and setbacks. Starting at 578 pounds, Olivia opted for extreme weight loss surgery, initially losing 400 pounds. However, she faced a setback that hindered her progress, keeping her weight around 200 pounds. Despite the setback from her surgery, Olivia remained committed to her dream of becoming a chef. She shared her excitement about resuming her culinary journey and her ability to stand and move comfortably. Even though not much is known about Olivia’s current status, what we do know for sure is that she has continued to maintain her weight and work towards her goals.
Zsalynn Whitworth Runs Her Own Business Now
Zsalynn Whitworth’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ Season 2 was marked by personal growth and transformation. Her weight loss journey started when she was around 597 pounds and she vowed to lose weight to become a better mother to her daughter. She embarked on a challenging journey, losing 300 pounds during her appearance on the show. After her transformation, Zsalynn left her husband, Gareth, who had encouraged her morbid obesity.
She underwent psychotherapy to cope with food addictions and eventually got married to Jack Lapp. However, the photos of the two have been removed from her Facebook account, so it is possible that the two have parted ways. Zsalynn’s social media posts reflect her newfound happiness and life with her daughter, Hannah. She also runs a small business called Handz Tees.
Read More: Is My 600-lb Life Scripted or Real?
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