My Happy Marriage Episode 4 Recap: The Gift

Based on a Japanese light novel series written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka, ‘My Happy Marriage’ is a period fantasy romance anime. Set in an alternate version of Japan of the Meiji Restoration Era, the plot revolves around the blooming romance between Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudo. In episode 4, titled ‘The Gift,’ wanting to give something to Kiyoka, Miyo visits the town with Yurie for supplies and runs into Kaya. Meanwhile, Kiyoka visits the Saimori home to confront his future in-laws about the ill-treatment meted out to Miyo. Here is everything you might want to know about the ending of ‘My Happy Marriage’ episode 4. SPOILERS AHEAD.

My Happy Marriage Episode 4 Recap

The episode begins with Miyo dreaming about her late mother. It turns out that Shinichi already knew that Miyo didn’t have any special abilities when his Sumi was alive, and that led to his abhorrent and cold behavior toward both Miyo and her mother. He declares that if they were an ordinary family with no supernatural abilities, he could have loved Miyo before wrenching his hand away from Sumi’s grasp and leaving. It is revealed that Sumi is already struggling with the ailment that ultimately will take her life. She apologizes to Miyo, telling her that she doesn’t have much time and this is all she can do before looking at Miyo from the corners of her eyes. This wakes Miyo up, and she becomes pensive.

Having received a beautiful comb from Kiyoka earlier, Miyo decides to get him something in return. As Miyo feels conscious about not having a big budget for this, Yurie suggests she can make Kiyoka something. They decide on a rope to tie Kiyoka’s flowing hair and visit the town to buy some supplies.

Meanwhile, Koji is miserable as ever about his engagement to Kaya. His older brother, Kazushi, makes his first appearance in the series. Koji blames him for the current predicaments in his life, but Kazushi dismisses the notion. Reluctantly, Koji accompanies Kaya to the town, where they run into Miyo. By then, Miyo and Yurie had already gotten what they needed for the rope, prompting Yurie to leave Miyo briefly on the street to buy salt. This is when Kaya approaches Miyo and begins mocking her, presuming that Kiyoka has already thrown her out. Kaya’s cutting words trigger Miyo’s trauma, depression, and fear, and she returns home in a trance.

Meanwhile, Kiyoka visits Shinichi and Kanoka and makes it clear in no uncertain terms that he wants to marry Miyo and that he is aware of their ill-treatment of her. Furthermore, he tells them that unless they apologize to Miyo, he will not give dowry for the marriage. Once he returns home, Kiyioka learns from Yurie what happened. He doesn’t know how to help Miyo at this moment but urges her to allow herself some peace.

My Happy Marriage Episode 4: Who is Hana? Why Does Kiyoka Reach Out to Her?

Hana was a servant at the Saimori home when Miyo was a child, the only mother figure in her life after Kumi’s death. She was also the only person in the household to protest when Kanoka punished Miyo for trying to get her mother’s mementos back. Hana was subsequently fired, and Miyo never saw her again.

Desperate to help her, Kiyoka pens a letter to Hana and mails it. Within a few days, Hana shows up at the Kudo home. Miyo can’t be happier when he learns that Hana has a family now. She reveals to the younger woman that Kudo sent her a letter, inviting her to their home. This makes Miyo realize that Kiyoka knows everything, and despite that, he has not sent her away,

Miyo musters enough courage to tell Kiyoka the truth and gives him the rope she made for him. For the first time since this courtship began, Kiyoka embraces her, assuring her that he has every intention to make their engagement official. When he asks to use the rope to tie his hair, she happily does so.

Who is Spying on Kiyoka?

In this episode, it is confirmed that Minoru Tatsuishi, Koji’s father, is the one who has been using Shiki-gami to spy on Kiyoka. He still wants Kazushi to marry Miyo so his family can have access to the mind-controlling abilities of the Usuba family. He becomes frustrated after realizing that the bond between Kiyoka and Miyo is growing stronger. This prompts him to come up with an alternative plan, which likely involves abducting Miyo.

Read More: My Happy Marriage Episode 3 Recap and Ending, Explained