The filming of Netflix’s murder mystery series ‘The Survivors’ is scheduled to kick off in Tasmania, Australia, in early 2024. Set against the backdrop of a coastal town in Tasmania, the show centers around the residents of the picturesque seaside town of Evelyn Bay. Fifteen years ago, a terrible storm hit the region, claiming the lives of three young individuals. Kieran lost his older brother, Finn, while Mia grappled with the death of her best friend, Gabby. Additionally, Toby, Finn’s best friend, also met a tragic end.
The narrative explores the aftermath of these profound losses that cast a dark shadow over the families, the close-knit community, and the very essence of the town itself. Overwhelmed by guilt, Kieran and Mia choose to escape but circumstances bring them back. A new tragedy, the murder of a young woman, compels them to confront the unresolved past, replete with its enigmatic secrets.
Tony Ayres serves as the showrunner and one of the executive producers of the show, which is based on Jane Harper’s novel of the same name. He is known for co-creating Netflix’s 2021 miniseries ‘Clickbait’ and directing ‘The Home Song Stories.’ Collaborating with Ayres on the writing front are Belinda Chayko, Christian White, Peter Templeman, and Alberto Di Troia. Cherie Nowlan, known for her work on ‘La Brea’ and ‘Clickbait,’ alongside Ben C. Lucas, will take on the directorial duties.
The executive production team also includes Andrea Denholm, Matt Vitins, Nowlan, and Harper. The series is in the capable hands of producer Andy Walker, recognized for projects such as ‘Deadloch’ and ‘Rosehaven.’ Universal International Studios’ Tony Ayres Productions handles the production of the mystery drama. As of now, the cast of the show is yet to be officially announced.
Since the filming will commence in early 2024, the prospect of ‘The Survivors’ arriving on Netflix by late 2024 or early 2025 seems plausible. Recently, Tasmania hosted the shooting of notable productions such as Amazon Prime’s ‘Deadloch‘ and ABC Television’s ‘Bay of Fires.’
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