Starring Kevin Hart, ‘Night School’ follows the story of a man named Teddy Walker, whose life turns upside down following an accident at his workplace. He was supposed to receive the promotion of a lifetime, but things get so bad that he has to look for jobs elsewhere. Being a high-school dropout, the lack of GED works against Teddy. While he attends night school to get the GED, he is forced to take jobs that don’t require a lot of qualifications. A fast-food place called Christian Chicken is the only place that will hire him, and he has no option but to take the job, even if he hates it. The place features so prominently in the movie that the thought of getting a takeaway from the place takes hold of the viewer’s mind. Interestingly, it is possible to do so.
A Real Fast Food Joint Doubled Up For the Fictional Christian Chicken
In real life, there is no chain of restaurants named Christian Chicken, but if you visit the place depicted in the movie, you will find another fast food joint there. The scenes featuring Teddy’s temporary workplace were filmed at Mrs Winner’s Chicken & Biscuits located at 4350 Fulton Industrial Boulevard in Atlanta. It is “a chain of quick-service restaurants serving the best southern fried chicken in the country.” Founded in 1970 by Jack Massey, it first set up shop in Atlanta under the name of “Nanny’s.” Since then, along with a change in name, Mrs Winner’s has expanded into several locations all over the country, more specifically in Georgia and North Carolina, along with Tennessee and Alabama. Reportedly, due to the business’s financial struggles, its Fulton Industrial Boulevard location was permanently shut down.
During production, the place was given a makeover and turned into Christian Chicken for ‘Night School.’ In the movie, Christian Chicken is located opposite a strip club — that forms its most dedicated customer base, which Teddy is shocked to discover, especially after he sees the Christian influence on the place. Despite his religious leanings, he feels a bit odd about taking the job at Christian Chicken, but because he has no other choice, he decides to take whatever comes his way. He expects to have a managerial position, but it turns out that the job requires him to dress up as a “Christian chicken” and attract customers by spending almost his entire day standing outside the store.
Whatever his inhibitions in the beginning, Teddy gets used to his job and starts to appreciate it after a while, especially when the truth about his situation comes to light in front of his fiancee, Lisa. Things work out so well for him that he keeps working at the place, not bothering to look for a job elsewhere, while he prepares for his GED, even after he repeatedly fails the test. By the time he gets his GED and finally has the chance to escape the place, which is what he wanted to begin with, he has changed so much that he is more appreciative of his time at the place.
Read More: Night School: Is Joe’s BBQ City a Real BBQ Grill Shop?