The confluence of the imaginative and creative leads makeup artists to pursue the top spot on BBC’s ‘Glow Up.’ The reality television show revolves around several contestants who compete in weekly challenges and successfully demonstrate their skills to advance. With a streak of tough tests that test more than just the ability to create a bewitching look, the show features several tense situations. The second iteration of the series features Ophelia Liu, who manages to entrance judges with her potential. Having won the coveted prize, several opportunities lay ahead for the participant. Naturally, fans wonder where is the reality star these days.
Who is Ophelia Liu?
Following a finale wrought with emotions, Ophelia Liu walked away from the show with the top prize. While her inspiring journey on the show evoked several emotions, Ophelia also gained an admiration for her struggle. Born in Hong Kong, the makeup artist’s passion wasn’t welcomed with high praise. Throughout the season, the television personality iterated her family’s insistence to limit her usage of bold makeup. Despite being discouraged from pursuing her love for the craft, Ophelia was not deterred. While her journey to the top spot was an arduous battle, Ophelia remained unfettered.
Consequently, she participated in the show with unmatched fervor. Using her imaginative curiosity and skilled abilities, Ophelia was able to showcase several gory transformations. From accruing praise for her horror-themed works to skillfully avoiding the dreaded face-off elimination chairs, Ophelia managed to map her journey to the finals. While her talent was evident, she still faced tough competition throughout the series. Even during the final challenge, Ophelia did not stand down and showcased her penchant for bold and domineering looks. In addition, the makeup artist was also able to generate engagement during her masterclass.
While the judges had initial doubts about her ability to create an interesting masterclass at the Harrods department store in London, Opehlia managed to prove everyone wrong. Not only did she generate an equally immersive reaction from the attendees, but she also managed to showcase a unique turn on eye makeup. Naturally, her work made it impossible for the judges to question her abilities. Subsequently, she was crowned the winner of Season 2 of ‘Glow Up.’ While the make-up artist reiterated her excitement for the future, fans have wondered about the exciting goals she has accomplished since. Let’s find out more!
Ophelia Liu Now Owns a Clothing Line
Having been awarded the prestigious title, Ophelia has consistently carved a path to a better future. While the COVID-19 pandemic marred her immediate exit from the show, the television personality has worked to alleviate the minor setback awarded by the lockdown and spread of the virus. The 27-year-old is now exponentiating her growth as a freelance makeup artist and content creator. Since the cameras closed in on her, the BBC contestant used her signature looks and flair for glamor to highlight her portfolio.
Shortly after, Ophelia went on to work with several eminent brands. Some of her projects have been with Le Défilé L’Oréal Paris with Val Garland, the English National Ballet, Benefit, Amazon Prime, and Illamasqua. Besides this, she has also plunged into other aspects of design and beauty. The winner of ‘Glow Up’ has now created her clothing label called 18 Levels Of. In accordance with her style and abilities, Ophelia is working on expanding her brand and creating an alternative level of design. Not just this, she also helms the operations of her clothing line and manufactures the products in-house in her London studio.
Apart from creating a clothing label, Ophelia has also created an online masterclass with a fellow makeup artist for fans to view. However, the TikTok and YouTube creator has not limited her craft and even collaborates with people worldwide. She is set to travel to Tokyo and work with prospective collaborators on makeup and style. On the personal front, the winner of the BBC show remains tight-lipped. Nevertheless, she still enjoys traveling and experiencing new things with her friends. As such, we continue to await all the professional and personal milestones that lay in her future!
Read More: Glow Up Season 4: Where Are They Now?
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