In the psychological horror film, ‘Pearl,’ director Ti West tells the story of the titular protagonist who is trapped on her farm while dreaming of a life as a movie star. As the daughter of a strict German immigrant mother and an ailing father incapable of taking care of himself, Pearl fantasizes about life outside the boundaries of her farm by imagining herself on the silver screen. During an excursion to the nearby town, the young woman watches a newly released film titled ‘Palace Follies’ at the local Embassy Theater, further fueling her desire to escape her suffocating existence. Subsequently, the movie’s pamphlets repeatedly remind her of her burning ambitions as she tries to achieve her dream-like aspirations, making it a pivotal aspect of her development!
Palace Follies is Not an Actual Movie
Although ‘Palace Follies’ provides a glimpse into Pearl’s mind and the feats she would like to achieve, the film is a fictional construction of screenplay writers Ti West and Mia Goth, who also plays Pearl. As ‘Pearl’ is set in 1918, the eponymous protagonist would only have access to productions without integrated sound, as this was during the height of the silent era films. The fictional film witnessed by Pearl at the Embassy Theater is one such film with no real sound involved. Therefore, the music playing during the scene is most likely the work of a pianist or an organist hired by the theater. Or it could be a dramatized occurrence inside Pearl’s head. Instead, while watching ‘Palace Follies,’ most of the focus for the audience would lie on the movements and the dance performed by the actors.
As Pearl likes to dance herself, hoping she can become a star in a movie, a film like ‘Palace Follies’ would serve as an endless source of inspiration. In many ways, attaining a role in the fictional production would be the pinnacle of what she would like to accomplish herself, as it would mean escaping her farm and living a life free from the misery of having to cater to the needs of others. The allure of life in the pictures is a central theme of ‘Pearl’ and its titular protagonist. Ti West even addressed the importance of cinema in the ‘X’ film franchise, stating, “I think for a trilogy, where the connective tissue is cinema, [it brings] a sense of authenticity with the real backdrop.” After watching ‘Palace Follies,’ Pearl keeps the pamphlet for the film curled up with her at all times, almost as if it provides her with a sense of warmth.
Back in 1918, films were still a relatively new form of storytelling. It is likely that Pearl’s generation of people were among the first to experience it as they were growing up. Therefore, she would romanticize the notion of joining an industry that is still finding its feet. Additionally, as a woman who is mainly confined to a domestic role, watching the actors and dancers of ‘Palace Follies’ would only ignite feelings of jealousy inside her. If she managed to land a part herself, it would mean she no longer has to depend on others for things she lacks. While the film may not exist in reality, its impact is certainly felt because of how the narrative ties the influence of movies with a person’s development. However, despite its integral role in feeding Pearl’s aspirations, ‘Palace Follies’ cannot be found in real life.
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