‘Picker Sisters’ is a reality series that follows two home decor store owners, Tracy Hutson and Tanya McQueen. Sisters at heart, the duo is determined to have the best and rarest items in their LA-based shop for their customers. In order to look for old and rare collectibles, they travel all across the country and search for eye-catching pieces. The duo’s cross-country trip and bond endeared them to the viewers.
Although the home improvement show couldn’t extend beyond the first season, it managed to develop a decent fan following. Naturally, the admirers of the talented interior designers are still curious to know what Tracy Hutson and Tanya McQueen are up to these days, especially as the cameras have stopped rolling on them. Well, here’s everything we know!
Tracy Hutson and Tanya McQueen’s Picker Sisters Journey
Before appearing on the Lifetime Network series, Tracy Hutson and Tanya McQueen were a part of ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.’ Tracy worked as a style consultant in the ABC show for the first nine seasons. Meanwhile, Tanya helped out as an interior designer for seasons 3 to 5. Their time on the show brought them to public attention and earned them quite a fanbase. Soon, Tracy and Tanya joined forces for ‘Picker Sisters.’ As a part of the show, the two traveled to various places in the country to search for unique, rare, and antique items that would fit right in their home decor shop in Los Angeles.
Over the course of their journey on the show, Tracy and Tanya meet many people, some with unique personalities of their own. For every item, the two experts brainstorm about the best possible use. Each item is not just bought for its rarity or age, but also if it will be aesthetically pleasing for homeowners. After their trip across the country, the Picker sisters handover the collected items to their contractor, Alan Luxmore, who helped turn their visions into reality.
Most pieces underwent a bit of transformation and polishing to please the intended customer base. After the work was done, the collected items were ready to be sold. Most customers could not wait to get their hands on such beautiful decoration pieces to brighten up their homes or offices. The bargaining and deals that follow throughout the season are what made the show quite an entertaining watch.
Where are Tracy Hutson and Tanya McQueen Now?
Since Tracy and Tanya’s time on the Lifetime show, the two have not been often spotted in the limelight. Two years after ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’ ended its run on ABC in 2012, Tracy bagged the opportunity to serve as the host of ‘Momtourage,’ a video series that tells the story of mothers who have overcome several adversities. The show features Tracy visiting the homes of the women to learn more about them and their stories.
As far as her personal life is concerned, it seems that Tracy Hutson is devoting her time to expanding her Interior Design business. Her sons, Oliver and Felix (born in 2005 and 2007, respectively), from her past marriage to actor Barry Watson are sure to be a huge part of her life. However, the reality TV personality prefers to keep her private life away from the public eye and has not shared much on social media platforms. However, we are delighted to inform you that Tracy and Tanya are still “forever friends,” as stated by the latter in the caption of the picture above.
On the other hand, Tanya McQueen’s notable credits since ‘Picker Sisters’ include ‘Have You Scene My Room’ and ‘House vs. House,’ where she appears as a judge. You may also recognize her as Sharon from the comedy-drama movie ‘Shooting the Warwicks.’ As of the present, Tanya seems quite happy in her life. Married to television producer Tom Forman, the reality star seems to be living her best life. In 2019, the couple listed their home in the Encino neighborhood in Los Angeles. The property, built in 2017, was given several modifications, given Tanya’s profession, and was initially priced at $5.195 million.
In June of 2021, Tanya’s son Caden Wiese graduated from the University of Southern California. In the same month, the family also celebrated the high school graduation of Owen Forman, Tanya’s stepson. Caden and Cullen Wiese, her two sons with her ex-husband, Bryan Wiese, are certainly a huge part of the designer’s life. We wish Tracy, Tanya, and their respective families the best in their lives and hope for their success in the future.
Read More: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Where Are They Now?
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