‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is a crime thriller that follows two high-schoolers and cousins, Hannah and Madison, as they prepare for college. Madison realizes that she can never match up to Hannah and tries to get Hannah to write the college entrance exams on her behalf. The only way Hannah could agree to such a thing is if she was compelled to do it. But blackmail is not the only thing Madison has in mind. If you are looking to know more about the filming locations and the cast, this is what we know!
Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies Filming Locations
The thriller film follows two high-school girls as they try to sort their life out before going to college. Most of the drama takes place indoors, at school, or in Hannah’s home. Let us find out more about the filming locations for this film.
‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ was filmed in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian state is a popular filming location as the diverse geography offers a plethora of options that fit the bill for urban as well as countryside settings. Its charming small towns, such as Almonte, Bracebridge, and Newmarket, feature in a number of holiday-themed films. Big cities like Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Brampton, and Mississauga are no strangers to the screen. Hamilton does particularly well in this regard due to its tax incentives.
Some of the popular productions to film in Ontario are ‘X-Men,’ ‘Hairspray,’ and ‘The Incredible Hulk.’A big part of the storyline revolves around the high school. Ontario has a number of schools that are film-friendly and allow productions to shoot on-premises. Northern Secondary School in Toronto is one such example. It features in films such as ‘Billy Madison,’ ‘Resident Evil: Apocalypse,’ and ‘Carrie.’
Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies Cast
Keara Graves plays Hannah Fletcher in the film. She is a Canadian actor, singer and YouTuber, who is known for the musical series ‘Lost & Found Music Studios.’ Her other notable works include ‘Grand Army,’ ‘The Cheerleader Escort,’ ‘Cardinal,’ and ‘Deadly Influencer.’ Canadian actress Sydney Meyer plays Hannah’s cousin, Madison. Meyer appears alongside Keara Graves in ‘Grand Army,’ and she is also known for her roles in ‘Shadowhunters’ and ‘V Wars.’
Kate Drummond portrays the role of Hannah’s mother, Amanda. The multifaceted actress appears in ‘Wynonna Earp,’ ‘Utopia Falls,’ ‘Metal Tornado’ and the ‘Flower Shop Mystery.’ Other cast members include Alexander Eling (Drew), Cory Lee (Coach Davis), and Seth Mohan (Teacher).
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