Bravo’s ‘The Real Housewives of New York City‘ is a reality TV show that premiered in 2008 as the second installment of the Real Housewives franchise. Following the lives of several high society socialites, as they try to balance their personal and professional lives in New York, this series is one of the most popular ones out there. Currently airing its twelfth season, the show has been giving us pointless vacations, cat-fights, and gossip sessions for more than a decade now. With these women living their extravagant lives and showing off their money on countless occasions, you must have wondered how rich they really are. Well, we are here to tell you exactly how each cast member earned their money and who the richest housewife of New York actually is.
6. Leah McSweeney – $2.4 Million
With the initial investment of just $75,000, that she got after a court case settlement involving a physical altercation with the New York Police Department, Leah McSweeney opened up Married To The Mob (MTTB). MTTB is a clothing brand that allows women to unapologetically express themselves through their clothes by providing them with streetwear and athletic wear. Leah McSweeney is the founder and CEO of the company and has built her own fashion empire from scratch. Leah McSweeney’s net worth as of 2020 is close to $2.4 million. With her being the newest edition to ‘The Real Housewives of New York City,’ her net worth is only going to get higher.
5. Sonja Morgan – $10 Million
Born November 25, 1963, in Albany, New York, Sonja was a model before she worked in the fashion industry. During this time in her career, she made her home base in New York but also lived in California, Colorado, Italy, and France. After getting a bachelor’s degree in marketing at The Fashion Institute of Technology and pursuing fashion retailing and wholesale in New York’s Garment District, Sonja became a consultant for luxury brands throughout the world before becoming an entrepreneur. She has earned most of her money by being the Founder and President of her fashion lifestyle company Sonja Morgan Brands, and by being a TV personality who first made an appearance in season 3 of ‘The Real Housewives of New York City.’ Sonja Morgan’s net worth, as of 2020, is close to $10 million.
4. Ramona Singer – $20 Million
Ramona Singer is the only original cast member in ‘The Real Housewives of New York City,’ meaning she is the only socialite that has been with the series for all 12 seasons. Before she was a TV personality and rose to fame, she was an independent working woman who gained success in her career. She pursued a bachelor’s degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology, and by the age of 30, Ramona had opened her own business by the name of RMS Fashions, Inc., a company that buys excess inventory from retailers and sells it to discount stores. Along with this, she has also launched a skincare range, a jewelry line for HSN, and a line of Pinot Grigio. She has also written a book called Life on the Ramona Coaster. Ramona Singer’s net worth, as of 2020, is close to $20 million.
3. Dorinda Medley – $25 Million
Dorinda Medley first found success as an entrepreneur in London, during her first marriage. While she was there, she opened up her cashmere company by the name of DCL Cashmere and had some really high-profile clients like Princess Diana and Joan Collins. After her divorce, she moved back to New York, and actively engaged in multiple high-society fundraising events following which she landed a role as a permanent cast member in ‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ season 7. She also owes a part of her net worth to the launch of hеr оwn lіnе оf ассеѕѕоrіеѕ which includes рrоduсtѕ lіkе mаkеuр bаgѕ, mugѕ, рhоnе саѕеѕ, and totes with some of hеr рорulаr оnе-lіnеrѕ рrіntеd оn thеm. Dorinda Medley’s net worth, as of 2020, is estimated to be $25 million.
2. Luann de Lesseps – $30 Million
Luann de Lesseps, also known as Countess de Lesseps, is an ex-practical nurse turned TV personality, model, actress, singer, and author. She has been a part of this Real Housewives franchise since it began, but due to not living in New York, she wasn’t a permanent cast member in season 6 of the series. She has made a guest appearance on shows like ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit‘ in 2011 along with ‘Eden’ (2011), ‘Difficult People’ (2016), and ‘Maternal Secrets’ (2018). She has also released three records till now titled Money Can’t Buy You Class, Chic, C’est La Vie, and Girl Code in 2010, 2011, 2015, respectively. Furthermore, she is the author of Class with the Countess: How to Live with Elegance and Flair, which is a guide book to sophisticated living. Luann de Lesseps’s net worth, as of 2020, is estimated to be $30 million.
1. Tinsley Mortimer – $40 Million
Born on August 11, 1975, Tinsley Mortimer is the richest housewife in the current cast by more than $5 Million. She is not only a TV personality but is also a businesswoman, model, actress, author, and fashion designer. She had a line of handbags and clothing for Samantha Thavasa, a company in Japan, following which she opened her own clothing line, Riccime by Tinsley Mortimer. Tinsley is a beauty brand ambassador for Christian Dior and has appeared in numerous magazine editorials for companies like Vogue, WWD, and Harper’s Bazaar. She has graced the covers of various magazines like Vеѕtаl Маgаzіnе, Nеw Yоrk, СVLUХ, Маnіас, аnd Раgе Ѕіх Маgаzіnе as well. She has also featured in shows like ‘Gossip Gir’ and has even had her own reality TV show. It is her multi-talented personality that has allowed Tinsley Mortimer to be the richest Real Housewife of New York. As of 2020, Tinsley Mortimer’s net worth is estimated to be $40 million.
Read More: Everything We Know About Leah McSweeney