Created by Adam F. Goldberg, ‘The Goldbergs’ is an ABC comedy series based on Adam’s family and childhood experiences and developed in the typical 1980s sitcom fashion. Set in the 1980s in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, every episode of ‘The Goldbergs’ chronicles the lives of the members of the titular family as they deal with a fair amount of struggles while executing their day-to-day activities.
Although a younger version of Adam is the point-of-view character and an older version of Adam serves as the narrator, Beverly Goldberg, the matriarch of the family, is at the very heart of the narrative. If you have watched ‘The Goldbergs’ and loved it, here is a list of recommendations that you might also like.
8. Growing Up Fisher (2014)
‘The Goldbergs’ and ‘Growing Up Fisher’ premiered about a year apart from each other. One went on to become one of the most successful sitcoms of the 21st century, while the other was canceled after one season. Both shows are comedies, though ‘Growing up Fisher’ is more of a comedy-drama than a proper comedy series like ‘The Goldbergs.’
‘Growing Up Fisher’ chronicles the stories of the youth and family of the creator, D. J. Nash. It has a great cast, led by J. K. Simmons, who plays the blind father of the protagonist. Like ‘The Goldbergs,’ ‘Growing Up Fisher’ is a love letter to filmmaking and the celebration of the wide-eyed youths who aspire to dream big.
7. Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
Like ‘The Goldbergs’ and all the entries in the list, ‘Gilmore Girls’ is about family. Moreover, the humor of this CW series pretty much aligns with ‘The Goldbergs.’ The story revolves around two main characters, single mother Lorelai and her daughter Rory. As Lorelai had become pregnant when she was only 16 years old, the relationship between her and Rory is more like best friends than mother-daughter.
While Lorelai is proud of how she has been able to raise her daughter on her own, the task becomes increasingly difficult because Rory is a very intelligent and gifted teenager, and an ordinary education would do her injustice. Desperate to provide her daughter with enough options, Lorelai reaches out to her estranged parents.
6. Full House (1987-1995)
‘Full House’ is a quintessential 1980s family sitcom, the type of which ‘The Goldbergs’ seeks to emulate. The plot follows Danny Tanner, who, following the death of his wife Pam, convinces his brother-in-law Jesse and best friend Joey to help him raise his three daughters. As the series progresses, this makeshift family expands, but the bond between its members remains as strong as ever. ‘Full House’ has all the adorable, heart-warming qualities of a comedy series from the 80s. Like ‘The Goldbergs,’ it is entrenched in optimism and contemporary pop culture.
5. The Simpsons (1989-)
No list about family comedy shows is complete without ‘The Simpsons.’ There is a timelessness about this show that is incredibly rare in modern television. Perhaps the reason for that is that it premiered in the 1980s and still has never failed to be relevant. The plot revolves around a suburban American family, with each member being a perfect example of an archetype, just like the Goldberg family. Homer and Murray share a few traits, as do Bart and Barry. Marge may not be as overbearing as Beverly, but like the other woman, she is the glue that keeps the family together.
4. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996)
Although the main protagonist of ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ is supposed to be the fictionalized version of Will Smith, that is not the complete truth. The development of Will Smith, the character, was inspired by the youth of Warner Bros. executive Benny Medina and along with the life of the real Smith. The plot follows Will, a street-smart young man, who comes to live with his aunt’s family in the eponymous neighborhood in Los Angeles after getting into trouble with gang members in his native West Philadelphia. Like ‘The Goldbergs,’ ‘Fresh Prince’ is about family, adulting, and the pursuit of one’s passion.
3. Fresh Off the Boat (2015-2020)
Inspired by the life of chef and food personality Eddie Huang and his namesake 2013 autobiography, ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ tells the story of Huangs, a Taiwanese-American family that comes to live in Orlando, Florida, and tries to establish a cowboy-themed family restaurant. Many of the tropes found in ‘The Goldbergs’ are also there in ‘Fresh off the Boats.’ Although Eddie is the point-of-view character and an older Eddie serves as the narrator (voiced by the real Eddie Huang), Jessica, Eddie’s mother, is at the heart of the narrative, just like Beverly in ‘The Goldbergs.’
2. Everybody Hates Chris (2005-2009)
Like ‘The Goldbergs,’ ‘Everybody Hates Chris’ is set in the 80s and told through the first-person narrative of the main character. It is based on the teen years of Chris Rock, who is the co-creator of the show. Set in the Bedford -Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, the plot revolves around a dysfunctional African-American family.
Rock serves as the narrator of the series, guiding the audience through events inspired by his life. Chris’ family comprises his father Julius, mother Rochelle, and siblings Drew and Tonya. They fight over ridiculous and yet-so-real things, but they are also fiercely protective of each other. The humor of ‘Everybody Hates Chris’ is loud and boisterous and yet it somehow it works perfectly within the narrative.
1. The Wonder Years (1988-1993)
Arguably no other TV series evokes as much bittersweet nostalgia as ‘’The Wonder Years,’ which shares multiple plot elements with ‘The Goldbergs.’ It has the older version of the main character as the narrator and celebrates family, adulting, and young love. The plot follows Kevin Arnold, his friends, his immediate family, and their lives in American suburbia.
As the series progresses, Kevin grows up, experiencing the trials and tribulations of his teen years. A constant part of the narrative is the relationship between Kevin and Winnie, his childhood crush and later girlfriend, with their story paralleling Kevin’s own journey to adulthood.
Read More: Is Erica From The Goldbergs a Lawyer in Real Life?
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