Director Paco Plaza explores the origin story of the titular character in his Spanish horror film ‘Sister Death,’ which serves as a prequel to his 2017 critically acclaimed horror movie ‘Veronica.’ It follows the young nun and teacher Hermana Narcisa, who is believed to be gifted and is seen as a saving grace for young girls in a school, which was a convent before the Spanish war. But when she arrives, strange things start happening to her, and she struggles to make sense of her surroundings.
The horrors she has to face eventually turn her into Sister Death or ‘Hermana Muerte,’ which is the film’s original title. After her appearance as the old, blind and wise Hermana Muerte in ‘Veronica,’ this story explores what happened to the young nun that led her to destroy her eyes at some point. Since ‘Veronica’ is inspired by a thrilling true story of a teenager, and Sister Death plays a significant role in guiding her, it makes us curious about how true this origin story is.
Sister Death Is a Fictional Character From Veronica
‘Sister Death’ is not based on a true story. This is because the character of Sister Narcisa in ‘Veronica’ is entirely fictional and was most likely added to help Veronica get clarity about her situation. In the 2017 movie, Sister Death is believed to be a psychic, who blinded herself because of all the paranormal activities she witnessed, only to realize she could still experience them without her sight. She helps Veronica understand that something evil is possessing her and that the people close to her are more in danger from her. This character then became important for the kind of guidance Veronica and the viewers get through her about the events in the story, thus making Sister Death the ideal and eerie choice for a thrilling sequel.
In reality, ‘Veronica’ has been inspired by the real-life Vallecas case in 1991 when a teenager, Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro, decided to dabble with an Ouija board and died six months later of a cardiac arrest, according to her post-mortem report. But the events surrounding her death and the police report that claims things to be unexplainable were what caught the attention of the public, making this case, according to reports, the first-ever occult incident captured officially. Plaza took many creative liberties to present the story in an engaging and horrific way to the viewers, one of which resulted in the creation of the fictional Sister Death.
While it can be argued that she might have been inspired by the teacher who stopped the real Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro from performing a séance, who was also a nun, there isn’t enough information or supporting evidence to confirm that. In the end, it’s all about the mystery behind a blind nun who could sense the supernatural and ruined her life as a result, which makes for a great story arc. This is also why this storyline was supposedly chosen for exploration. Since the police themselves got involved as witnesses in the case as they watched unusual things happening in the house after Estefania died, it became a huge topic of discussion among occult enthusiasts as well, giving more room for the exploration of the story.
While not entirely a true story, it might feel real and familiar because of the parallels it draws with ‘Veronica.’ While there’s limited information about the real case apart from the strange things that happened after Estefania died, ‘Sister Death’ helps horror fans get a deeper insight into what a mysterious character like this in Veronica’s life would have looked like. In its narrative, it connects the dots with ‘Veronica,’ especially in the paranormal aspect. The sounds coming from the room, suspicious noises, and strange things that only seem to happen at night in ‘Sister Death’ all mirror the happenings in Estefania’s house that her parents witnessed after her death.
Eventually, it appears that while ‘Sister Death’ might not be based on a true story, fans who wanted to hear some of its sinister origins can take comfort in the fact that it’s in many ways inspired by the real incident that led to the making of ‘Veronica.’ It also pays tribute to the 2017 movie in subtle ways, ensuring that this film can be considered a prequel in every way with a convincing storyline.
Read More: The Shocking True Story Behind Veronica?
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