The pilot of the ‘Suits’ spin-off series, tentatively titled ‘Suits: LA,’ is set to commence filming in Los Angeles, California, on November 15 and conclude on April 21, 2025. The show revolves around Black Lane Law, one of the largest independent law firms in the country, headed by two influential owners and their staff. The legal procedural, set in the ‘Suits’ universe, will introduce new characters in a new backdrop.
The show will be led by Stephen Amell as Ted Black. He will be joined by Josh McDermitt as Stuart Lane, the Black Lane Law’s co-founder, and Lex Scott Davis as Erica Rollins. Troy Winbush as Kevin, Alice Lee as Leah, and Bryan Greenberg as Rick Dodsen will also feature in the series. John Amos, Victoria Justice, and Kevin Weisman round out the cast.
Written by Aaron Korsh, the creator of the original series, the upcoming show is set “in the same timeframe” as its predecessor, as revealed by Beatrice Springborn, President of Universal International Studios and UCP. She assured that the new series will “have the same energy and good-looking people that the original did,” as per Variety. Springborn emphasized the enduring appeal of series like ‘Suits’ to streaming platforms, noting its unignorable success on Netflix.
“It is amazing-looking people in great clothes but at the core of it, you can’t have a show that’s successful with just that. It has to have great storytelling and great character work. So how do you do something that can be ongoing, have a gloss to it, and be a continuing series that everyone wants?” Springborn added. “It’s so fun and happy,” she further stated.
Originally aired on USA Network from 2011 to 2019, ‘Suits’ enjoyed a successful nine-season run. The series was followed by the spin-off ‘Pearson,’ which revolves around Gina Torres’ “powerhouse lawyer” Jessica Pearson. The original show is set in New York City, whereas ‘Pearson’ takes place in Chicago.
Los Angeles is a significant location of ‘The Brothers Sun‘ and ‘Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire.’
Read More: Is Suits Based on a True Story?
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