USA’s ‘The Anonymous’ is an unscripted reality game show that allows contestants to project two different images: a carefully crafted one in the face of their fellow participants and the other hidden behind anonymity and geared towards causing eliminations. In its debut season, the show went all out with sleek and modern sets surrounded by picturesque greenery. It featured two distinct structures: the Round House, where all the challengers get together and eventually vote on one another, as well as the Square House. The Round House, in particular, creates a futuristic look with its concentric swimming pool, lights, and neon-lit private rooms.
The Anonymous Filming Locations
The first season of ‘The Anonymous’ was filmed in Matarranya, Spain. Principal photography likely took place between the spring and early summer of 2024. The contestants seemed taken aback by the unique set and its verdant surroundings, and of course, not all of them stayed at the venue for the same amount of time during shooting.
Matarranya, Spain
The participants traveled to northeastern Spain and entered the region of Matarranya within the province of Teruel in the Autonomous Community of Aragon. There, the Round House, which is actually the Solo House, awaited them alongside the nearby Square House. Located at Polígono 12, Parcela 242, Barranco, 44623 Cretas, Teruel, the Solo Houses are known for their avant-garde architecture and breathtaking natural surroundings. Built in 2017 by OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, the circular Solo House sits atop a plateau and is designed in a manner to provide a panoramic view of its stunning natural surroundings. The Square House is also a part of the same project undertaken by the group of architects, who initially planned to design 12 such structures in the mountainous region but seemed to complete the two.
The Solo Houses perfectly complements the show’s themes of deception and duality, offering a sleek, futuristic setting that contrasts with the rugged beauty of its remote location. The structures’ simple geometric designs, open spaces, and extensive use of glass create a futuristic and almost surreal atmosphere, aligning with the show’s concept of projecting dual images. The structures have also been featured in an episode of ‘The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes.’
Named after the Matarranya River that flows through it, the region hosts sparse villages and a few historical medieval sites, including the Castillo de Valderrobres. Dating back to the Middle Ages, the grand structure is surrounded by the town of Valderrobres in the northwestern foothills of the Ports de Tortosa-Beseit. The Solo Houses notwithstanding, the region is a blast from the past and can become the ideal setting for a variety of artistic and cinematic projects. However, it is a lesser-utilized filming destination and has housed the production of Netflix’s ‘Welcome to Eden,’ which also features the Solo House as a backdrop.
Read More: Best Game Shows on Netflix
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