The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Season 2: Unlikely to Return in 2024

Based on the Japanese manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Koume Fujichika, ‘Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta’ or ‘The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses’ is a rom-com anime. The show follows Komura Kaede, an ordinary school-going boy who falls in love with his bespectacled classmate Ai Mie. He desperately hopes that someday, Mie-san will notice her and he will have the honor of becoming her friend. Interestingly, Ai forgets her glasses one day and needs someone’s help to do even the basic tasks. Komura jumps on the opportunity to help her crush and that’s how the two of them start their unlikely friendship. Since Mie-san has a tendency to forget her glasses frequently, the bond between the two gets stronger, and they eventually start having romantic feelings for each other.

The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Season 2 Future Prospects

‘Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta’ or ‘The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses’ season 1 released on July 4, 2023, and concluded a few weeks later on September 26, 2023. The series comprises thirteen episodes each with a runtime of about twenty-three minutes. Directed by Katsumasa Motosime, the series features talented voice actors like Shion Wakayama (Mie Ai), Masahiro Itou (Komura Kaede), Ryouhei Kimura (Ren Azuma), Shino Shimoji (Someya Narumi), Saki Miyashita (Yuika Hibuchi), Aya Uchida (Asuka Kawato), and Ami Koshimizu (Komura’s Mother).

As far as the second season of the rom-com series is concerned, here’s everything we know so far. The anime has not been renewed after the premiere of its season 1 finale. Studio GoHands or any other company involved in the production or distribution of the show has not officially commented on its future as of now. This may have disappointed the fans a lot, but there are still reasons for optimism. Koume Fujichika’s ongoing Japanese manga series that serves as the inspiration for the anime already has 11 Tonkobon volumes in circulation. Season 1 will have enough volumes for yet another season of the show.

Furthermore, the first season also managed to push local manga sales eventually, which is considered a critical factor when it comes to anime renewals. Interestingly, the anime boasts a rating of 7.13 on MyAnimelist following the premiere of the season 1 finale. Although this is not too impressive, it is still good enough to warrant another installment. Looking at all these factors, it’s safe to say that the rom-com series has enough reason to make a return soon compared to other shows of its genre. If we are to assume that the anime will be renewed in the upcoming months, then we can expect ‘Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta’ or ‘The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses’ season 2 to premiere sometime in early 2025.

Read More: The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Season 1 Finale Recap and Ending, Explained