Created by Lee Jae-seok and Son Soo-jeong, Netflix’s ‘The Influencer’ is a South Korean reality game show that follows 77 Korean influencers, from first-generation YouTubers to Gen Z TikTokers, each determined to prove they are the best and have the most influence on social media. All the participants must face a number of challenges that test their presence and reach on social media platforms and their ability to make viral content.
The one who successfully tackles all the challenges and performs better than the rest earns the title of ‘the Best Influencer.’ With a combined total of more than 120 million followers across different social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and AfreecaTV, the audience is bound to have a great time watching these influencers go head to head. Originally titled ‘Deo Inpeullueonseo,’ the show is also likely to invoke some curiosity about the multitude of locations where the participants go through different challenges.
The Influencer Filming Location
‘The Influencer’ is filmed in its entirety in South Korea, seemingly in Seoul. Right around the time when the show’s debut season was about to air, one of the contestants, Katie, took to social media and shared her experience (translated), “The time I was grateful that I could meet so many good people. There are so many wonderful people, I pray so fast,, It was a time when it was an honor lol. I’m smart because there are more people who couldn’t take pictures with me because some of the pictures were deleted.”
Seoul, South Korea
Officially known as the Seoul Special City, Seoul supposedly serves as the primary production location for ‘The Influencer.’ Not only is it known for its preserved cultural and historical sites, but the capital of South Korea is also popular for its modern architectural cityscape. In the establishing shots, you might spot several skyscrapers and buildings, such as the 63 Building, the N Seoul Tower, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza, the Lotte World Tower, the Trade Tower, COEX, IFC Seoul, and Parc1.
Since a majority of the show takes place indoors, across different settings, it is a high possibility that the production team of ‘The Influencer’ sets up camp in one of the advanced film studios in and around the city of Seoul and makes the most of all the amenities to bring the intriguing reality show to life. From the looks of it, they utilize a sound stage for shooting most of the sequences and also take over a few more sound stages to tape the rest of the portions.
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