Discovery Channel’s ‘The Last Alaskans’ is a documentary series that features the lives of individuals who live in Alaska, one of the most isolated parts of America. The show focuses on these last remaining people who thrive in the untouched wilderness and try to adapt to uncanny lifestyles hundreds of miles away from civilization. Over the four seasons, viewers developed a newfound respect for these lone survivors. After all these years, they are still eager to learn their whereabouts, and if you’re one of these fans who need an update about the Alaskan folks while waiting for season 5, we’ve got you covered.
How Did Bob Harte Die?
At 66, Bob Harte was battling cancer. His long battle ended when he passed away in 2017. Bob spent 40 years in the Alaskan Wilderness, and his journey was featured in the 2018 season. The fans supported the family after his death, and his wife, Nancy, thanked them a few months later. In the second episode of season four, Bob said, “Oh, this is just the, I don’t know, close to the 15th time I should be dead. But God loves me, and I love him, and he knows it.” This moment was heartbreaking for many fans, but his legacy still lives on through ‘The Last Alaskans,’ and we wish his loved ones the strength to deal with his loss.
Heimo Korth is Mentoring in the Wilderness Today
Heimo is one of the rare permanent residents of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge who lived with his family and led a subsistence lifestyle, hunting and fishing for their food and building their own shelter. He is almost 68 and continues to live an independent life in Alaska. Much like most residents of the region, he doesn’t have an active social media account, but he undoubtedly has many fans waiting for an update about him. Even today, he’s well-known for his survival skills and his ability to thrive in the wilderness, and he reportedly mentors young people who are interested in pursuing the traditional ways of life.
Edna Korth is Thriving in Remote Alaska
Edna is Heimo’s wife, and the pair has raised four beautiful daughters who are all grown up and married now. The couple lives alone in their cabin along the Coleen River, approximately 400 miles away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. They briefly change their abode during summers but ultimately return to their home. Edna’s warmth, strength, and resilience have inspired many people who want to face the challenges of the wilderness and thrive in the rugged landscapes of Alaska.
Ray Lewis is Navigating on a Houseboat
Ray is the patriarch of the Lewis family. In season 3, they weren’t seen anywhere near their previous settlement. As reports suggest, Ray and his family decided to spend their time on the new houseboat they built together. It’s been over 40 years since Ray left his usual lifestyle to find a place in Alaska, but now he has moved on to his new muse. Needless to say, he was one of the most experienced hunters on the show and an expert at building and maintaining cabins. To this day, he is known for his wisdom, kindness, and ability to survive the harsh environment.
Cindy Lewis is Living Peacefully Off-Grid Today
Cindy accompanies her husband on the houseboat they built together in season 2. They left without warning but have been living a life of peace. Their elder daughter Molly, is purportedly a wilderness guide in Oregon, while Sarah, their younger one, still resides with them. She is also skilled in trapping, and hunting moose, caribou, and bears like her husband. Her independent and fierce way of surviving without any modern amenities was shocking to many. Moreover, Cindy’s expert preservation skills also shined on the show when she prepared meat, fish, and vegetables for her family.
Tyler Selden is Preserving Old Traditions
Tyler is still living off-grid with his family. They annually migrate to a remote trap line and spend most of their months closer to the wilderness. During summers, he moves with his family to Fairbanks and prepares for the following winter. Tyler sells their acquired fur to begin their garden, which can be transformed into pickled and canned food that lasts them long after the harvest. As an old-school person, he keeps to himself and doesn’t indulge in sharing his life with the public on social platforms. However, people still remember him for his deep connection to the land and his commitment to preserving old traditions.
Ashley Selden is Crafting and Blogging Now
Ashley co-parents her two children along with her husband, Tyler. She runs a blog where she constantly shares updates about their current status. Moreover, she sells multiple handmade items to sustain herself as a stay-at-home mom. She hands stitches hats, warm mittens, fur poms, and fur ruffs. Ashley also sells her wood crafts, trapline chatter, bone chimes, and beaver koozies on her blog cum online shop.
Charlie Jagow is Offering Alaskan Adventures
Charlie Jagow can still operate a cargo plane, and he owns a Cessna Sky Wagon 180, which he flies with his long-term girlfriend, Mercy Hampton. He’s associated with the family business that he established around 2018, known as Double Shovel Outfitters. Charlie’s company offers the authentic Alaskan experience to anyone who wants to explore the place. As of now, he’s living through the freezing winters while having a memorable time with his beloved girlfriend.
Scott Nelson is Exploring and Co-Parenting
Scott Nelson is now divorced, and his 14.5 years long marriage came to an end in 2021, but the duo still continues to co-parent their son Colby. Even today, Scott loves to travel and go around exotic locations like Alaska, Hawaii, and The McHugh Peak Trail. He’s a proud father who often accompanies his child while hunting and fishing and is eager to pass on the knowledge about survival that he’s acquired throughout the years. Currently, he is in a relationship with Zoë Rabjohns, who’s seemingly a painter and tattoo artist.
Krin Nelson is a YouTube Creator Now
Krin reportedly had a miscarriage in June 2019 when the couple was expecting another child. She is quite active on most of her socials and keeps her fans updated. She is close to Colby, who’s now in first grade, and also her sisters. Krin announced the divorce in an Instagram post on March 7, 2023, with a long caption that expressed her gratefulness toward the relationship. She also has a YouTube channel now where she occasionally posts videos of her experiences.
Read More: Where is Alaskan Bush People Filmed?
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