‘The Sister’ is a British psychological thriller that effectively juxtaposes supernatural elements with thrills, forming an engaging show. Based on Neil Cross’s novel ‘Burial,’ the show explores guilt and the ensuing struggle to keep oneself free from its effects. It explores an occult’s psychological ramifications and the extent to which a person can go to explore their desires. A four-part series, ‘The Sister’ unfolds through a deftly crafted narrative that asks plentiful questions regarding the choices that are enamored with lies. The intriguing narrative and its twists have got us hooked. If you are curious about ‘The Sister’s hidden aspects, we have got you covered. SPOILER AHEAD.
The Sister Recap
The show follows Nathan, a devoted husband who tries to keep secrets from his past hidden, potentially jeopardizing his present life. He encounters Bob, a figure from his past, who can perhaps rock his life and risk his mental peace. Haunted by his past deeds, Nathan tries to keep his sanity together, and at the same time, conceive a child with his wife- an act that proves to be the thorn in his filial bliss. In the final episode, it is revealed that Bob is responsible for the death of Elise.
During the New Year party in 2009, he mixes the cocaine he offers to Nathan and Elise with cyanide, which proves fatal for Elise. Bob partakes in this mindless deed because he wants to prove the existence of ghosts. The manner in which Elise is killed can apparently conjure a specter- a fact Bob surmises from his research. When Nathan gets to know of this fact, he is livid, but at the same time, helpless, because he can’t divulge the details to Holly as it can risk their relationship.
Instead, Nathan goes to Jacki and changes his statement regarding the fateful New Year’s Eve by indicting Bob in the case. The realization that Bob intends to kill him with his spiked cocaine changes Nathan’s course of action. Paired with Bob’s strange machinations and Nathan’s desperation, ‘The Sister’ unfolds as a thrilling drama delving deep into the existence of the supernatural.
The Sister Ending: What Happens to Nathan and Holly?
On the pretext of meeting Bob for a drink, Nathan spikes his whiskey with sedatives that leaves Bob in a vegetative state. He tries to suffocate Bob to death but is intervened by the paramedics, whom Bob is able to call before he finally collapses. Creating a ruse, Nathan manages to free himself from the assault charges, whereas Bob is left in a coma from which he cannot recuperate. Nathan, having exacted his revenge, is finally able to conceive a child with Holly. The haunting of the past seems to be over, but in the end, we see Elise’s ghost at the back of Nathan’s car.
The polarising ending leaves a lot to be answered. Nathan feels Elise’s presence throughout the show and is unable to recuperate from the haunting. When the dread is over with Bob’s incapacitation, we feel that Nathan can finally manage to break free from the curse of his past. The horrific image of Elise’s ghost, in the end, is perhaps reflective of the fact that the haunting isn’t yet over. Or it is reflective of Nathan’s guilt that persists despite obtaining a certain form of closure. The ending opens up many possibilities- perhaps Nathan’s car rides ends fatally in a crash, or maybe he has to live with his guilt forever.
Are Nathan’s Actions Pardonable?
Nathan seems to be a docile person, but his actions are covered in lies that create a dubious distinction in his character. When Bob asks him to divulge the details of Elise’s killing to Holly, he bluntly refuses. He is over-protective of Holly, which perhaps indicates that Nathan uses Holly as a shield to hide his own complicity in the deed. Bob is a Dickensian character whom we know to have a personality that is creepy and suspicious. He is clear in his conviction that the truth needs to be told to pacify Elise’s wandering spirit. Nathan, on the other hand, is extremely calculative. He plans his actions carefully- a fact evident from his change of statement given to Jacki.
He puts all the blame on Bob, which is perhaps remotely justified, but when it is his turn to tell the truth, he ends up incapacitating Bob. Nathan seems to be driven by his love for Holly, but his guilt forces him to conjure elaborate lies. Even when Holly demands to know the truth, Nathan cushions himself against circumstances and refrains from divulging the truth. It can be assumed that Nathan’s character is the most dubious of all, and his actions cannot go scot-free. Maybe because of this reason, Elise’s ghost reappears in the end as supernatural retribution for Nathan’s acts.
Why Does Jacki Let Go of Nathan?
It is implied in the end that Jacki can deduce Nathan’s involvement in the attack on Bob. Despite knowing this fact, Jacki lets Nathan go because she thinks that Nathan committed the crime to avenge Elise and pacify Holly. Jacki’s friendship with Holly clouds her judgment as she cannot see through Nathan’s subtle compliance in the past deed. Despite knowing that Elise is Holly’s sister, Nathan proceeds with the relationship.
It is likely that Nathan’s advancement into the relationship despite being physically involved with Elise is a weird act of purging oneself from haunting guilt. The end of the show gives a feeling that justice has been meted out to the perpetrator of a thoughtless deed, but in fact, it is the twisted morals of Nathan that drives the narrative of the show. His lies and deceit become clear in one particular scene where he shows the quick presence of mind while creating a ruse to mislead the paramedics while at Bob’s home.
Bob is a symbol of the occult’s purveyor whose nonchalance towards the phenomenon of death makes it clear that ‘The Sister’ is more about the dubious morals and not the path of supernatural piety. Jacki’s pardon of Nathan showcases the mortal folly of misjudgment that is nullified in the paranormal plane. Elise’s ghost is symbolic of the fact that Nathan’s deed, even if pardoned, cannot go unaccounted for on a spiritual level.
Read More: Where Was The Sister Filmed?
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