The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol Episode 5 Recap: The Power of Desire

The fifth episode of AMC’s post-apocalyptic series ‘The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol,’ titled ‘Vouloir, C’est Pouvoir,’ which translates to “Desire, It is Power,” follows Daryl Dixon’s reunion with Laurent after they separate at the Nest. He plans to leave for the United States with the young boy and his best friend, Carol Peletier, in Ash’s aircraft. The two Americans arrive at the place where the pilot hides the airplane, but they fail to meet him. They realize that he is in danger and start looking for him. Meanwhile, Losang and Jacinta begin their search for Laurent! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Daryl Dixon and Carol Save Ash From the Walkers

‘Vouloir, C’est Pouvoir’ begins with Daryl Dixon and Carol arriving at Ash’s hideout. Instead of the pilot, they encounter a couple of walkers and a French man who enters the place, likely to steal the aircraft. Daryl kills the man after the latter requests it, possibly because he has been bitten by one of the zombies. The two best friends then reach Fallou and his allies’ settlement, where they meet Laurent. Daryl is surprised to see Stéphane Codron at the place. The young boy then lets his father figure know that Codron saved him multiple times, only for the American wanderer to express his gratitude. Even though he killed the former Guerrier’s brother, the anger toward him has evaporated from the French man.

Daryl asks Fallou about the possibility of finding Ash. The French man has no useful information, but the American joins Carol to look for the airplane pilot. During their search, they come across a van surrounded by walkers, which convinces them that someone alive is inside the vehicle. They then enter the same van and encounter a nearly-dead Ash. By then, the remaining walkers surround the vehicle. Daryl comes across Madame Genet’s mysterious, poisonous chemical inside the van. He injects the same into a walker with a gun. The zombie then destroys the other walkers, allowing the trio to escape from the place.

Carol nurses Ash back to health. She apologizes to him for endangering his life by dragging him across the Atlantic. However, the pilot is grateful to her since the journey has been a highly transformative experience for him. His words further leave her confused regarding revealing the truth about her dead daughter, Sophia. Daryl asks Carol to tell him the truth without worrying about the aftermath of the revelation.

Daryl Dixon and Codron Stop the Union of Hope From Abducting Laurent

While Carol deals with Ash, Daryl talks to Laurent about leaving for the United States. After Isabelle’s death, the young boy has no one but the American left in the world. Still, he says no to the journey to the Commonwealth and a chance to live an ordinary life with the kids in the settlement. He tells his father figure that he has found peace and comfort in Fallou’s community. Daryl does not listen to him, believing that he can convince the child to join him. He prepares for the journey back home by trying to find the fuel needed to make the trip. The American goes to the underground nightclub Demimonde to get the same.

Meanwhile, Losang and Jacinta arrive at Fallou’s settlement to find Laurent. While the French man’s allies distract them, Codron flees from the place with the young boy, securing his life. The child meets Daryl at the Demimonde, where the latter insists on taking the former to the United States. When Laurent dismisses the plan again, his father figure demands to know why he doesn’t want to embark on the journey. The young boy replies that he fears whether Daryl will die because of him, as his parents and Isabelle died. While the American deals with the reason, Losang and Jacinta arrive at the Demimonde for the boy.

Daryl hides Laurent in a fireplace and joins Codron to fight Losang and Jacinta. The American smashes the head of the religious man with a skull he accidentally finds and uses as a weapon. The former Guerrier deals with the woman, who somehow survives the attack. The confrontation with Losang and Jacinta convinces Laurent that he won’t be safe in France. He finally agrees to join Daryl and leave for the United States.

Daryl Dixon Faces Another Obstacle to Return to the United States

Carol reveals to Ash that her daughter, Sophia, died years ago. She further adds that she lied to him to convince him to help her find her best friend, Daryl. The pilot cannot tolerate that he left his son’s grave because of a lie. When Carol reminds him how the journey has helped him, regardless of her reason, he tells her that the destination doesn’t justify the means. Meanwhile, Daryl and Laurent arrive at the hideout. The young boy expresses that he is pleased to make Ash’s acquaintance with his unignorable charm. However, his pleasant demeanor is not enough to calm the pilot down, who informs the trio that the aircraft won’t complete the journey with four people aboard.

Daryl and Carol have a decision to make regarding the return journey. Since Ash initially expects Sophia to join him and his new companion in returning to the United States, it is safe to assume that the aircraft can handle three individuals aboard. Considering Daryl’s protective nature, he may want Carol and Laurent to join Ash to leave for the Commonwealth. Since the Union of Hope is still active in the country, regardless of Losang and Jacinta’s fates, he cannot leave the young boy behind in Paris. He also won’t accept a return journey without Carol, the person who found an escape plan for him. Therefore, we may see him trying to convince his best friend to leave him and Paris with Laurent for her and the boy’s safety.

Read More: The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Was Filmed Across France