Let’s settle it once and for all – mainstream Hollywood can’t really make good erotica for the most part. It’s not for lack of vision on the director’s part but mostly since it has become a mainstream cinema culture, it cannot be subversive or experimental in its erotica, and as a result, we get a snoozefest like the Fifty Shades trilogy. South American and European filmmakers, though, are much bolder in expressing erotica on screen and 2016 sees some fantastic movies, twisted desires, taboos and erotic couplings play out for our pleasure. Here is the list of most erotic movies of 2016.
10. The Neon Demon
Nicholas Winding Refn brings to us this amazing movie about a model who moves to Los Angeles and ultimately is sacrificed in some ritualistic process for her beauty. The film becomes an allusion to Hollywood being the demon itself- the narcissism fueling demon that lurks behind bright lights, glamor and cameras, the true neon demon. Refn pushes the boundary in the dialogues itself with the sixteen-year-old models being sexualized and likened with Lolita. The director’s erotic vision culminated through Jena Malone who plays Ruby. Ruby after failing to initiate a sexual encounter with Jesse (Elle Fanning), goes to the morgue and indulges in – you got it- necrophilia! And surprisingly Refn shoots it aesthetically enough to make it a bit of a turn on. A film that definitely deserves a watch for its sexual over and undertones.
9. High-Rise
Directed by Ben Wheatley and based on JG Ballard’s novel of the same name, this movie is set in a dystopian apartment complex where people are allocated floors according to their wealth and social standing – so the poorest go to the ground floor and the richest in the penthouse. The apartment building is self-sufficient but as in any dystopian setting, things soon start to go wrong and the entire apartment descends into chaos. Why is this erotic? I’ll give you a good reason – Tom Hiddleston. Yes, swoon over him all you want. He’s there, he’s hot and ready to get it on with co-star Sienna Miller in this film. The film’s culmination in a tasteful orgy just adds to the erotica.
8. Equals
Directed by Drake Doremus this film stars Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult. The thing about erotica on film is that we act as voyeurs watching in, which why erotica in a film is always more of a turn on than pornography and Doremus uses this technique exactly. He adds a little flavor to it by making love and human emotions forbidden in the premise of the movie. The erotica is limited but every gaze, touch stare becomes burdened with an aching passion – a passion that gets its release in a very well shot shower scene.
7. The Girl on the Train
Based on Paula Hawkins’ novel of the same name, the movie was in all honesty not as good as I would have expected. The suspense was there all along but the execution lacked some finesse. However, this thriller has plenty of sex, nudity, and voyeurism, enough to merit it a spot on this list. Emily Blunt delivers a fantastic role as the voyeur and Haley Bennett brings the steamy factor to the film.
6. Deadpool
What? We’re actually seeing a Marvel movie up here as an erotic film, surely I must be kidding! But no, I am not, remember the scenes between Reynolds’ Deadpool and Morena Baccarin’s Vanessa? They were steamy and the playful dialogue between them just turns the heat on more like Vanessa causally making a passing reference to cunnilingus in the film. Deadpool broke a lot of barriers including this one, in a movie that definitely has some hotness in it.
Read More: Funny Movies 2017
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