Trigger Warning: Is Creation, Swann County a Real Place in New Mexico?

Image Credit: Ursula Coyote/Netflix

In Netflix’s ‘Trigger Warning,’ a woman’s homecoming turns into a bloody affair when she unearths a string of crimes and corruption taking place there. The protagonist is Parker, a Special Forces soldier who hasn’t been to her hometown in a while but has to return when her father dies. It is ruled out as an accident, but then, some weird things come to light, and Parker can’t help but
investigate it to find out exactly what is happening in the town. While we follow the badass character that Parker is, the town itself becomes a character in the story whose temperament and history have to be considered before taking on the enemies. The raw realism in the way the town has been captured in the movie makes it look like it’s a real town, but is it really so?

The Town of Creation is Fictional

The events in ‘Trigger Warning’ take place in a small town called Creation, located in Swann County. In real life, there is no town with such a name in America, nor is there a county with the name Swann attached. This location has been created specifically for the purpose of the film’s plot. The creators of the movie wanted to create the vibe of an isolated town, which would disconnect it from the more civilized parts of the country and give it the appearance of a Wild West type of setting. The isolation of the town also gives the villains an upper hand, raising the stakes and the danger for the protagonist and those closest to her.

According to the film Creation, Swann County is located in New Mexico. While the town and the county are fake, the crew went to the state of New Mexico to shoot the movie there and give a more authentic aura to the story. Regions in and around Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Española were employed to film different parts of the story. This allowed the filmmakers to switch between crowded and completely isolated locations, highlighting a key characteristic of the protagonist and her father.

The town of Creation (an interesting choice for a place’s name) and its people go through a transformation by the end of the film. From passive observers who didn’t know what was going on around them and how corrupt people were hell-bent on ruining them, they become active participants in helping Parker clear out the criminals and save them all. To sum it up, Creation and Swann County are made-up locations in ‘Trigger Warning.’ However, the filmmakers have done their best to make it as realistic and believable a place as possible because, despite it being fictional, it plays an integral part in the way the events turn out for Parker and her friends.

Read More: Trigger Warning (2024): All Locations of the Netflix Movie Explored