Tyler Bauman and Kathryn Green: Where Are The Conspirators Now?

Image Credit: Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness/YouTube

With Hulu’s ‘The Age of Influence’ delving into six almost unbelievable tales of social media figures going way too far, we get a true insight into the dark side of high-consumption online culture. Amongst them is, of course, the 2017-2018 case of Tyler Bauman and his wife Kathryn Green in season 1 episode 4 ‘The Steroids Swindler,’ which lives up to its title in every way imaginable. So now, if you simply wish to learn more about the same — with a specific focus on the since-convicted criminals’ background, offenses, as well as current standing — we’ve got you covered.

Who Are Tyler Bauman and Kathryn Green?

It was reportedly back when Tyler was a young boy that he first fell into a life of crime stemming from his colored childhood of alcoholism, poverty, terrible role models, and much, much more. The truth is he dropped out of school halfway through eighth grade at the age of 13, only to then find himself racking up a series of juvenile arrests by mixing with arguably even worse crowds. It thus comes as no surprise he actually faced the consequences of his habitual actions once he turned 18 — sentenced to 5-7 years in state prison on drug charges related to cocaine distribution.

As per reports, Tyler was released upon serving just six years but because he was a convicted felon in his mid-20s, with essentially no education, experience, or skills, life became quite tricky. That’s when he found social media and decided to share his passion for body bulking with the world — his alter ego Musclehead320 was hence born on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube alike. Yet we should mention he’d connected with his anabolic steroids (trenbolone) dealer Phil Goodwin behind bars itself, and it was the latter who’d taught him to use “gear” to attain the best results.

Image Credit: Tyler Bauman/Twitter

Therefore, once Phil contacted the then over-the-top, rising Boston influencer with expertise in steroids as well as supplements to form a 50-50 drug trafficking partnership, Tyler agreed. The idea was to establish an underground lab brand of steroids to sell via Instagram, just for the latter to be its face owing to his steady following, fan interactions, and undeniably large persona. But alas, the latter made the mistake of going along with the brand Onyx Pharmaceuticals even though a legitimate company bearing the same name existed, and then came the money laundering.

Because Onyx ended up doing incredibly well, Tyler and Phil not only brought in a few loved ones into the operation but also decided it was high time for them to deal with the cash income. They hence launched a “tanning salon,” which clearly wasn’t what it billed itself to be in any way, shape, or form since they didn’t even have the proper equipment, let alone offer the actual service. In fact, this was a front for their laundering scheme, allowing the once-destitute meathead to fly high; he had a massive home, went on vacations nearly every month, and spoiled his family.

Tyler’s wife Kathryn “Katie” Green, their daughter, as well as their two sons, were seemingly the family man’s top priority, yet the fact he never slowed down ultimately became his downfall. After all, once the real Onyx Pharmaceuticals began receiving inquiries for injectable anabolic steroids around 2015, a market they didn’t even touch, they immediately had the matter looked into. Their private investigators then contacted the FBI with claims of trademark infringement, conspiracy, drug trafficking, etc., driving the agency to identify and arrest those responsible on April 12, 2017.

Tyler is Still in Prison While Kathryn is Living a Quiet Life After Release

There were actually a total of six individuals to be arrested on one federal count each of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit drugs and conspiracy to distribute controlled substances on the fateful April day. They were 32-year-old Tyler Bauman, his loving wife 28-year-old Kathryn “Katie” Green, 36-year-old Philip Goodwin, 31-year-old Robert Medeiros, 49-year-old Brian Petzke, and 29-year-old Melissa Sclafani. In the end, though, while Katie pleaded guilty to the latter indictment alone in August 2017, her husband pled to not just the aforecited but also a myriad of other charges the same month.

Image Credit: Tyler Bauman/Twitter

Both Tyler as well as Katie were sentenced for their offenses on March 15, 2018, with the latter receiving one year plus one day, along with three years of supervised release for her role in the matter. As for the former, he was handed down ten years along with three years of supervised release for conspiracy to distribute counterfeit testosterone, trenbolone, and other steroid compounds; conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit drugs; conspiracy to launder money; possession with intent to distribute controlled substances (steroids); and trafficking in counterfeit drugs. Hence, today, the March 22, 2019, released mother of three is leading a quiet life away from the limelight, whereas her beau is incarcerated at FCI-Schuylkill in Pennsylvania with an expected release date of December 25, 2024.

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