Unstable: Is The Guilty Rabbit Bar a Real Place?

Season 2 of ‘Unstable’ once again finds the employees (and executives) of the biotechnology company Dragon tackling the regular chaos of their workplace under eccentric billionaire Ellis Dragon. This season, Ellis faces a new challenge as he has to confront his own fade from prominence while deciding on a successor to be the new face of his company. Naturally, his son, Jackson, comes up as a notable competitor for the title foiled only by his own social awkwardness and Peter Martin’s significant qualifications.

Peter Martin enters the scene after Ellis buys his company, Magma, in an ill-advised stint to grow closer to Jackson. Given the new dynamic addition to the workplace and the drama brewing underneath, it’s no surprise that the Dragon employees often find themselves hanging out at The Guilty Rabbit bar. However, does the bar have any real-life relevance outside of its significance as the post-work hotspot?

The Guilty Rabbit is a New Hangout Spot For the Dragon Employees

In its sitcom narrative, ‘Unstable’ magnifies the dysfunctional hot-and-cold relationship between Ellis Dragon and his son, Jackson, who are forced to work together at the former’s biotechnology company. Therefore, the world surrounding these characters and their humorously exaggerated storylines tend to remain a work of fiction crafted by the show’s team of writers. The Guilty Rabbit—the unofficially official communal hangout spot for the central characters—is no exception.

The Guilty Rabbit is a brand new season 2 addition to the narrative, creating a second central location outside of the workplace for Jackson and his coworkers to mingle. The same allows space for the storyline to progress in new ways without the expected confines of the Dragon office. Consequently, the characters are able to interact with each other even more in a non-professional sense while still sporting a backdrop that gradually becomes familiar with its repeated appearances.

The idea of a second hotspot in workplace comedies has been a well-known and well-loved tradition for some time now. The perpetually laid-back environment of the location instills a more intimate feel that compels the characters to bond easily in unexpected ways. As such, The Guitlty Rabbit’s narrative relevance can be compared to other sitcom-exclusive bars, such as Shaw’s Bar from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ or Emerald City Bar from ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’

So far, the narrative has already equipped the bar to expand upon several interpersonal relationships between characters like Peter and Anna or Luna and Ruby. However, while The Guilty Rabbit checks off a sitcom trope for ‘Unstable’ as a second base location, its relevance seems to be confined to the same. Therefore, no records exist of any known real-life eponymous bars in Los Angeles. Ultimately, the bar is instrumental to the show and fittingly a product of its fictionalized narrative as well.

Read More: Shows Like Unstable