‘Unstoppable’ is a biographical sports drama film about the life and achievements of a wrestler named Anthony Robles, who was born with one leg. Helmed by William Goldenberg, the film chronicles Anthony’s battle with adversity and the personal challenges that plagued him every step of the way, particularly with his family. One key figure in the drama is his stepfather, Rick, who has a complicated relationship with Anthony and his mother, Judy. While his abusive behavior often leads to significant fallouts within the house, Rick is also the father of Anthony’s four siblings. As the narrative progresses, the tension between Rick and the rest of the family reaches a tipping point, culminating in stark realization and a crossroads moment for Judy and Anthony.
Rick Robles is a Fictional Character Likely Inspired By Judy Robles’ Real-Life Ex-Husband
Rick Robles in ‘Unstoppable’ is a fictional character conceived by writers Eric Champnella, Alex Harris, and John Hindman. Although he may not exist in real life, the character is possibly a vague stand-in for Anthony’s real-life stepfather, Ron. In the film, Rick comes off as an abusive father and husband who seems to be struggling with his own inner demons. Several elements of his life and actions somewhat resemble Judy’s alleged real-life difficulties while being married to Ron, who is also the father of her four children – Nicolas, Joshua, Ronnie, and Andrew. While discussing the events portrayed within the film, specifically relating to her ex-husband, Judy stated that she felt a sense of pain at having to revisit some of her old “mistakes.”
While the connection between Anthony’s fictional and real-life stepfather seems strong in a variety of respects, scriptwriter John Hindman explained that the primary goal was to ensure the authenticity of the real people involved in the story was never jeopardized and turned into an exploitative narrative. This sentiment extended to Anthony’s stepfather, who is showcased in a somewhat more complex manner despite being alleged to be a terrible stepdad. Hindman said, “Our only agenda was to honor all of these people, including his stepdad, right? Who isn’t just a monster.” A large element of the film focuses on Judy’s toxic relationship with Rick and how she struggles to cut her ties with him, which is seemingly quite accurate to how the real-life events played out.
In 2008, Judy’s marriage with her ex came to an end, leaving her with the responsibility of paying back the house mortgage. She struggled in that period, even selling her own blood plasma to put food on the table for her children. The film succinctly captures these harrowing events, showcasing how messy family life had become for Anthony and his mom. In a similar fashion to the movie’s portrayal, Anthony also had a difficult relationship with his stepfather. In a 2014 rally, Anthony spoke about how he still had genuine affection for his stepfather while also holding negative feelings for him. “I knew I didn’t want to be like (my stepfather),” he said. “I still loved him, but I could not respect him.” Therefore, Rick Robles is most likely a vaguely fictionalized version of Anthony’s real-life stepfather, even though he himself does not exist in reality.
Read More: Judy Robles: Where is Anthony Robles’ Mother Now?
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