TLC’s reality show ‘90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days’ centers around American individuals who develop relationships with people from foreign countries only through the internet. The show follows their journey as they meet their partners for the first time and explore the possibilities of marriage and settling in the US. Season 5 of the show centers around seven such couples, including Usman “SojaBoy” Umar and Kimberley Menzies.
Usman “SojaBoy” Umar is not a new name for fans of the 90 Day Fiancé franchise, as he previously participated in ‘90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days’ season 4 with his then partner Lisa Hamme. Usman is a Nigerian singer and rapper who married Lisa in the season 4 finale. However, the couple ended their marriage after a while. Upon his divorce, Usman met Kimberley AKA Kim online and struck a connection with her.
Kimberley, from San Diego, California, first approached Usman as a fan of his music. The divorced mother of one soon started to become more than a fan of the artist. Regular interactions through calls, texts, and video chats enhanced their relationship to friendship and more. But due to the unfortunate experiences he had with his ex-wife, Usman insisted on spending time together with Kim in person before any sort of commitment. Kim joined her new love in Tanzania, where Usman was shooting a music video. So, if you are wondering if the pair has a future together, let’s share with you everything we know.
Will Usman “SojaBoy” Umar and Kim End Up Together?
Months of regular communication and candidness have helped Usman and Kim explore their relationship more openly. However, their adorable start didn’t stay pleasant long due to miscommunications. Kim’s supposed imposing and controlling nature started to create a rift between the 50-year-old and her 32-year-old beau Usman. Tensions also spilled over to their sexual life when Usman didn’t reciprocate Kim’s advances.
Still, these incidents aren’t exactly drawing a clear sketch of Usman and Kim’s relationship. Despite their quarrels and differences, Usman and Kim did try to understand each other better. Kim even accepted Usman’s aspirations to have multiple wives. “I can’t have them [children], just say we [Kim and Usman] got married, I would allow him to marry a second wife and have kids. I know it’s crazy, it’s a cultural thing, it’s not like a threesome. It doesn’t bother me,” Kim said in the season 5 premiere.
Kim’s capability to understand and respect Usman’s culture and aspirations may have played a decisive role in their relationship. Usman’s search to be with someone who can comprehend his culture and celebrity life did end with Kim. Even though we may need to wait longer to know exactly whether Usman and Kim took their relationship to the next stage, there are reasons to believe that they did.
Prior to the premiere of the show’s fifth season, Usman revealed that he indeed loved Kim. In early December 2021, he admitted, “I love her with all my bones, my heart. Right now, I am in love. I love Kimberly, I can say that anyway in the world. I love her. I’m not shy. I’m not ashamed. I am proud to say that I love her. I love her for real.”
Usman’s words indicate that he may have overcome the challenges he faced during the early days with Kim. Therefore, we believe that he has only nurtured his love for her with time, and we can hope for the matrimonial union of Usman and Kim at the end of season 5. With Usman passionately expressing his feelings towards Kim, a different ending to their relationship will indeed be surprising.
Read More: Will Memphis and Hamza End Up Together on 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days?
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