Netflix’s ‘At Home With the Furys’ follows various Fury family members as they try to navigate the ups and downs of life. The show primarily focuses on beloved boxer Tyson Fury, his wife, Paris Fury, and their six children. One of the most notable presences on the screen from the group of younger Furys was that of Venezuela Fury, the couple’s eldest child, who has just entered her teenage years, an adjustment that her parents were seen trying to navigate in season 1 of the show.
Who is Venezuela Fury?
Born on September 27, 2009, Venezuela Fury is the eldest child of Tyson and Paris Fury. According to her mother, her father had been ecstatic after she was born and claimed he would allow her daughter to do anything when she grew up. Apparently, Tyson had stated that he would let Venezuela wear anything she wanted and not restrict her in any sense. During one of their heartwarming moments together on her 13th birthday, he recalled how his daughter, as a child, would be upset at those who tried to crowd her father.
Yet, things changed when Venezuela entered her teenage years. According to Paris, Tyson realized that his daughter was now a teenager and ended up going to extremes to “protect” her. In the Netflix show, we see him being strict about what Venezuela can or cannot wear, much to the frustration of the teenager in question. For the christening of Athena Fury, Tyson and Paris’ sixth child, Venezuela ordered a dress of her choosing, which Tyson apparently asked her to change out from on the day of the ceremony.
Given that Venezuela’s family descends from a line of Irish Travellers, her family decided she would not go to school after turning 11. Since then, she has been homeschooled and often encouraged by Paris to learn different skills that might help her later in life. Indeed, Venezuela’s mother is seen in the show encouraging her daughter to not only cook but also learn how to navigate the entertainment world, just like her parents have been doing for years.
That said, Venezuela and Paris were often seen at odds regarding the former’s life choices in season 1 of the Netflix series. The teenager claimed that she did not want to get married or have a job, much to her mother’s displeasure, who did not want her daughter to be spoilt. Without mincing her words, Paris has told her eldest several times that she would either need to get married or get a job. While she has clarified that she would support her daughter no matter her choice, she wants Venezuela to make a choice soon to prepare for the future.
Venezuela Fury is Leading a Quiet Teenage Life
Venezuela Fury is not very active on social media, and her parents manage her TikTok account. The teenager will turn 14 in September 2023 and will likely welcome another sibling into the world in the same month. She captured the headlines after being rushed to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) in the early hours of July 19, 2023. Apparently, the teenager had put a ring on the wrong finger, leading to excessive swelling. Hence, she was taken to the hospital, where the ring was cut off. Since then, Venezuela seems to have recovered well. We certainly hope that she is doing well in life and will soon embark on an impressive journey of her own.
Read More: John Fury: Where is Tyson Fury’s Dad Now?
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