Walter Mercado is a name that will be remembered for a long time, not just because of his work as an astrologer and guider but because his positivity, motivation, and just being has helped a lot of people get through life, even if they aren’t a believer. And, in just a few scenes, Netflix’s ‘Mucho Mucho Amor: the Legend of Walter Mercado’ perfectly displays that. “Mucho Amor” is actually Spanish for “a lot of love,” and it seemed fitting to mention it in this article.
Was Walter Mercado Gay?
To be honest, no one knows, and now nobody can ever know for sure. Whenever Walter was asked about his sexuality or identity, he always deflected the question or politely changed the topic. But, he always did so by, somehow, remaining his dazzling and loving self. Not just for this documentary but even previously, whenever his personal life was brought up, he would be quick to make one-liner jokes or talk in innuendos, not letting anyone into his ornate shell. It made him funny while also getting him off the hook.
Although Walter was unapologetically sexually-ambiguous, he became an icon for the LGBTQ+ community. Wearing flowing robes and jewelry along with a full face of makeup that made entertainment industry divas look positively modest, his gender-nonconforming exuberance and flamboyance proved to be no obstacle for him, even in an era where homophobia was rampant in the world, especially in Latin America. Yes, he became the butt of a lot of jokes, but his being and success also gave queer kids the confidence to be themselves.

They saw someone on their television screens who, at least physically, portrayed what they felt on the inside, so in a world where they feared for their life just thinking about coming out, Walter sort of became an escape for them. Karlo Karlo, a makeup artist and LGBTQ+ activist, who was interviewed for the documentary, even said that watching Walter as he was growing up gave him hope. He also mentioned that there might be a possibility that Walter never came out because most of his audience of strictly religious.
Who Was Walter Mercado’s Partner?
There are two names that pop out when you look for Walter Mercado’s partners, one his long-term assistant Willie Acosta, and second, actress Mariette Detotto. Walter had met Mariette on one of his trips to Brazil, her native country, and there they formed a friendship that lasted for a long time. A 2004 article in Cronica even reported that he intended to one day he would like to make her his wife because she was his “soulmate” and that the love that they shared was “pure and sincere.”
However, over a decade later, he denied that she was his girlfriend. He said that he had no one and that the sexual energy he had, he channeled it into the good of humanity by praying for those who ask him for help. Quite similar to him saying that he has “sex with life” in the documentary and that he doesn’t “need a person for an orgasmic experience.” It wasn’t subtext either, he was directly asked these questions. Apparently, according to his mischievous statement, he was also the only virgin in town.

Willie Acosta, Walter’s assistant for more than 50 years, called him an androgyne in the film and said that his gender fluidity led to plenty of jokes and speculations, homophobic and otherwise. He even cleared the air about the nature of their relationship. Willie said that he had never once laid a finger on Walter and that whatever they had, even with them sharing hotel rooms and rubbing elbows day and night, their relationship was never physical. He specified that it was a “family relation,” that’s it.
Even on his Facebook, after Walter passed away, Willie referred to him as a “friend and brother.” Nothing more and nothing less. “I can’t find words to express how much I loved you, I love you and I will continue to love you until the end of my days. I valued you as the most precious brilliant years of work, travel and adventures we shared together. You were for my source of inspiration and growth as a human being.” You can check out the whole post below:
Read More: Where Is Walter Mercado’s Assistant Now?
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