In the nineteenth episode of ‘Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun’ season 3 titled ‘The Instructors Banquet,’ the Babyls teachers celebrate the successful conclusion of the Harvest Festival by going out for drinks. During their discussions there, Robin learns an important lesson from his colleagues that changes the way he looks at his students. Meanwhile, Ocho eventually meets his master Baal-sama, the current leader of the Demon Reformation, and he reveals a shocking secret to him.
Teachers Celebrate the Harvest Festival Conclusion
After the successful conclusion of the Harvest Festival, the Babyls teachers get together to celebrate over a few drinks. Robin has decided to host the party and is excited to relax with his colleagues. Although they want Kalego to come, they do not expect him to show up just like always. But when Balam-sensei joins the party, he also comes with Kalego. The teachers are naturally quite excited to see him there since is immensely respected by his coworkers.
Momonoki always had a crush on Kalego ever since he had trained her sometime in the past. Although she wants to talk to him, it seems that she does not really have the courage to do so. Robin understands her inner turmoil and makes her sit next to Kalego. The discussion at the gathering soon turns toward the Harvest Festival and all teachers agree when it comes to the best demon at the competition, no one comes close to Iruma. The teachers also talk about the relationship they share with students.
When Robin argues that students are just like family, everyone at the party appears to disagree with him. He is then told by others that he must see the students as a treasure that must be protected at all costs. If someone tries to put a hand on them, then they must be disciplined appropriately. Interestingly, Robin already has some experience with the disciplinary action that a teacher must take in such circumstances.
During the Harvest Festival, they eventually managed to learn about Ocho. It turns out that he believed that the joy of supporting the false number one is the greatest joy for the believer of the second faith. That is why he supported Orobas Coco throughout the competition, knowing extremely well that he was clueless about the Family of the Second Faith, the netherworld religion that loves and ravers the number two.
After collecting critical intel at the competition he is heading back to Baal-sama when Robin notices him. After informing Kalego, he shoots a non-fatal bow using the Balse family bloodline ability, the Bullseye shot. Ocho is stuck in the back and is quiet injured but he still manages to gather enough strength and courage to get away.
What Secret Does Ocho Reveal About Iruma to Baal?
After getting struck in the back with a bow by Robin-sensei, Ocho goes back to report to Baal-sama. He has been in the Harvest Festival to collect intel as well apart from the aforementioned motivations related to the Cult of the numeral 2. He reports to Baal-sama that there are students from the first year who could be convinced to return to our origins. Ocho even mentions the Misfit class and claims some of the demons could potentially achieve a lot. But he saves the best piece of information for the last.
Just when the Harvest Festival officially began, he planted a recording bug on Iruma’s clothes. He rejoices after recalling how Iruma’s face fell into the depths of despair after he confronted Orobas Coco for the first time. Just when he is explaining the agony Iruma was under, Baal’s subordinate Kiriwo suddenly appears out of nowhere. When he inquires more about Iruma, Ocho reveals that he learned using his recording bug that he is a human.
Baal immediately recalls that he was suspicious from the very start since Iruma suddenly showed up just after Sullivan’s illegal visit to the human world. Connecting the dots was not easy and he only needed some evidence. Now that Ocho has confirmed it, Baal feels that the future of the demon world is going to be quite exciting. Meanwhile, Kiriwo is literally salivating as he listens to the confirmation of the shocking truth, probably hoping that he gets the opportunity to take down Iruma himself.
Read More: Welcome to Demon School Season 3 Episode 17 Recap and Ending, Explained
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