Created by Jonathan Nowzaradan, TLC’s ‘My 600-Lb Life‘ is a reality series that first aired in 2012. The weight loss journeys of various people across the US who are either 600 pounds or over when they first appear on-screen have always served as motivating stories to the viewers. Given just how much effort some of these cast members have put into their bodies, the public is always eager to be updated about their lives. The same holds for Wess Schulze, who appeared in the show’s eleventh season and immediately captured the audience’s attention.
Wess Schulze’s My 600-Lb Life Journey
When 36-year-old Wess entered the show, he was determined to turn his life around and accomplish his goals in the future. The truth is he’d found solace in food after his parents divorced when he was just a toddler. Furthermore, as he grew up, his father was often absent due to his work, leaving his older sister to be his primary caretaker. He then also divulged that one of his family members was “sexually abusive” toward him, which pushed him towards food for comfort even more.
Unable to stop the cycle, Wess ultimately weighed 705.1 lbs when he started his journey with Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, AKA Dr. Now, and this televised weight loss program. However, since he was determined to turn over a new leaf for his future for good this time around, he followed the regime he was put on diligently. The TLC showmakers documented the first twelve months of Wess’ weight-loss journey as he continued to make impressive improvements. Given his private nature, it was not easy for him to be so openly vulnerable about his past and present.
Nevertheless, as Wess reached the one-year mark, it was evident he’d made improvements as his physique had changed drastically. He now weighed 477.6 pounds, having lost 227.5 pounds during this time. At that point, the reality TV cast member seemed ecstatic about his progress and was eager to see how much further he could go. On a more personal front, since he’d also come out to his father as gay during this period, their relationship had grown to have a few tense moments. Yet, the parent tried his best to be there for his son, which certainly meant a lot to him.
Wess Schulze Continues to Focus on His Personal Growth
It is obvious Wess has continued to work on his physique and his weight-loss journey. In a Facebook post from February 2023, he was pretty happy to share just how far he had come in his mission. “OMG, I AM FREAKING OUT! I just tried on a pair of jeans… 11 inches or roughly five sizes smaller than I used to wear! And they are about one size too big!” he explained. Indeed the reality TV star has been quite ecstatic about his time on the show and has been happily promoting the TLC series through his social media channels.
Though in the year that has since gone by, Wess has actually lost even more weight – the number as of May 2024 is 400lbs, a massive accomplishment in every way, shape, and form. However, he asserts he is still far from his goal, so he continues to maintain a healthy diet while also undertaking one-hour-long workout sessions and repeating his mantra of “Today is the best day to love yourself.” On a more professional front, it seems like this digital creator continues to work at the same place he was employed during his time on the television series. Albeit, his weight loss journey has apparently made some quality of life changes as he can now easily use his desk.
Coming to Wess’ relationship with his father, it appears as if even that is gradually improving. “It’s continually evolving,” he shared with Distractify before adding, “Today was better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.” His story is nothing short of inspirational as he overcame his past demons to change his life for the better and start a new chapter. We wish him the best for his future and hope his optimism stays strong.
Read More: Latonya Pottain My 600 Lb Life Update: Where is She Now?
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