Narrated by Peter Dinklage, Netflix’s ‘How to Become a Cult Leader’ is a satirical documentary series that focuses on various cults from across the world, though their stories are told in a way you might have never heard of. One cult leader that the show sheds light on is Jaime Gomez, the man behind Buddhafield, who has been active in his position since the 1980s. Given the details of his story, it is no wonder that people are curious exactly how rich Gomez is these days, and we are here to explore the same!
How Did Jaime Gomez Earn His Money?
Originally from Venezuela, Gomez had come to the United States in order to make a name for himself within the entertainment industry. The trained ballet dancer tried to work in various projects like movies, TV shows, and adult videos but apparently was never able to find a stable source of income. He then decided to become an educator and started teaching acting classes. Here, his cult-like following began as he started to recruit followers among his students.
After being based in Los Angeles, California, for a long time, Gomez and his followers moved to Austin, Texas, where the leader instructed his followers to build a place for him where he could perform ballet, something he still close to his heart. According to the teachings of his cult, Gomez was considered to be the equivalent of God and was often referred to as Master. Basing his teachings on concepts like the New Age, he created a narrative surrounding himself that apparently made him the only person that his followers should care about. Given his position as the leader of Buddhafield, Jaime Gomez gained much money from his followers in the name of faith.
According to the Netflix series, he would often conduct “therapy sessions” with his followers in order to not only extract all the information from them but also earn $100 per session. While the email sent by one of his former top followers meant that a significant amount of the original Buddhafield followers were disenchanted with Gomez, he continues to run the group in Hawaii, apparently recruiting followers through various yoga studios. Another name the group is known by is Aloha Yoga Kula, possibly alluding to its current location in the island state of the USA. The yoga studio of the same name is also called Blue Lotus Kailua.
Jaime Gomez’s Net Worth
Given the secrecy of the inner workings of Buddhafield, it is hard to ascertain just how rich Gomez might be worth. If one were to consider his role as the owner of a successful yoga business in Hawaii, most people in the same position apparently make about $50,000 per year. However, Aloha Yoga Kula seems to be popular with people, meaning that Gomez’s earnings from this particular source must be significantly higher. Considering all these factors, we estimate Jaime Gomez’s net worth to be around $2 million.
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