NBC’s ‘Dateline: A Wanted Man’ profiles the tale of Dr. Mark Weinberger, a once-renowned sinus surgeon who had vanished after being accused of fraud and medical malpractice in 2004. For five years, after having performed unnecessary surgeries on patients in his clinic in Indiana, he remained a fugitive, leaving behind financial ruin and lawsuits. In December 2009, Mark was found hiding in a tent atop the European alps and subsequently brought to justice. With all this, we can’t help but wonder what his parents went through during those years. So, let’s find out all that there is to know about them, shall we?
Who Are Mark Weinberger’s Parents?
Mark Weinberger was born to Fred and Fanny Weinberger as one of three boys, on May 22, 1963. He’s the middle child, with his brothers being Jeff, the oldest, and Neil, the youngest. We should mention that this family has been well-known in their home state of New York for years due to a unique reason — chopped liver. It wasn’t Mark’s actions that made them famous; it was a recipe created by his grandmother, Sylvia. As per reports, while Mark did not have a great relationship with his mother, he was close to his father.
Fred Weinberger once served as a physicist in the federal government in Washington before acting as an executive in the family business. Yet, he eventually decided to settle down in Mamaroneck, New York, so that his sons could receive a proper education. It has also been stated that Mark spent years trying to impress his mother with his academic qualifications but was unsuccessful. “My mom would take any award I had and put it into a drawer because she didn’t want Neil to feel bad,” Mark told his wife.
Years later, when Mark became a successful doctor, he tried to converse with Fanny by telling her stories about his life. However, she would often cut him off to say, “You should donate your money to charity. You should do some good in your community,” leading to fights that had no point. On the other hand, Fred was immensely proud of Mark and even went as far as to lend him money to expand his practice. Ultimately, though, in 2005, Fred had to file for bankruptcy due to his son’s frauds and malpractice.
Where Are Mark Weinberger’s Parents Now?
While Mark Weinberger’s mother passed away of cancer at the age of 72 on May 7, 2002, a report from a few years ago places Fred, now in his 90s, in Lake Worth, Florida, in the wake of his wife’s passing. Fanny’s obituary described her as a “loving wife, mother, sister, aunt, mimis, romantic, adventurer, activist, poet, and friend… She will forever be dancin’ and singin’ in the rain.” As per reports, Mark did not attend his mother’s funeral.
In the mid-2000s, Fred had filed a lawsuit demanding repayment of the money he had lent to his son, plus interest and expenses, equaling $1.4 million. But his claim was rejected. Therefore, now, Mark’s father stays out of the spotlight as much as possible and prefers to focus on his remaining family. It appears as if his years of hard work have allowed him to still be independent.
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