‘Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal’ is a television film that premiered in 2008 on Lifetime. Directed by Tom McLoughlin, this original is based on the real-life events that took place at McKinney North High School in McKinney, Texas, in 2006. A group of five teenage cheerleaders became infamous for their violation of the school rules. They basically created a ruckus outside campus in the form of drinking, partying, visiting adult stores, and posting their activities online. Even within the premises, they would break the decorum, disrupt classes, and resort to truancy.
These mean girls, who called themselves the Fab Five, comprised Karrissa Theret, Danielle Billelo, Shaunika Dancy, Brittney Rader, and Elizabeth Griffin. So now, since the original scandal took place almost 18 years ago, you might be wondering where the then-teens are now. Let’s find out.
Danielle Billelo
Despite Danielle’s actions in school, she was able to graduate and enroll at the University of Mississippi in 2007, from where she ultimately walked away in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in hospitality administration/management. She then evolved into a Special Event Manager at Tech Titans (2013-2016), Special Event Manager at The Richardson Chamber of Commerce (2014-2016), and Event & Office Manager at Flexport (2016-2017). However, today, she’s employed at T. Rowe Price, where she served as a Project Manager for two years before being promoted to Sr. Project Manager in 2019 – a title she holds to this day.
As for Danielle’s personal standing, she reportedly met a young man named Alex in 2007 while she was a freshman at the university. They soon started dating, and after graduating in 2012, the couple moved to New York City. Then, fast-forwarding to Christmas 2018, he proposed in the most romantic way possible, to which she obviously said yes. The pair eventually tied the knot and are now leading a content, happy life.
Shaunika Dancy
Although there have been a few speculations concerning Shaunika’s standing over the past few years considering her preference to stay well away from the limelight, none have been 100% confirmed. However, from what we can tell through the limited public information available about her, it appears as if she’s an aspiring actress and model currently based in Dallas, Texas, where she’s likely surrounded by family as well as other loved ones.
Brittney Rader
Then we have Brittney, who as per the last reports, is serving as the Director of Business Development at TierPoint’s Dallas data center — an executive position that indicates she has turned her life around to be rather skilled in the corporate world. After all, this Texas native’s job comprises of her working with various companies to create customized colocation and cloud solutions to meet their IT needs.
Elizabeth Griffin
When Dallas News approached these so-called Fab Five girls in 2008 to ask about their infamous actions, Elizabeth candidly expressed, “It was a stupid mistake. We will never live it down, but we never thought about that at the time. It’s taught me a lot about how life is. I’ve learned a lot from it.”
Coming to Elizabeth’s actual current standing, since she also prefers to keep her life well away from prying eyes these day, we unfortunately don’t know much regarding her recent personal or professional experiences. All we know is that she’d graduated high school early and had then managed to enroll in college before doing her best to move on from the past.
Karrissa Theret
While Karrissa has not completely stepped away from the limelight considering she does have social media accounts, the fact they’re set on private makes it evident she too doesn’t want anybody to know her daily business. However, we can positively report she’s presently based in Nacogdoches, Texas, where she’s seemingly leading a good life as a fitness enthusiast as well as likely professional choreographer.
Read More: Where Was Lifetime’s Cheer For Your Life Filmed? Is It a True Story?
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