‘AlRawabi School for Girls’ is a teen drama series that centers upon a small group of outcast teenagers who choose to join hands to exact revenge on their tormentors. It lies along the same lines as the critically acclaimed ‘Derry Girls,’ an international women-created and women-centric young adult series set in a prestigious all-girls school, and reimagines the popular notion behind productions like ‘Mean Girls’ and ‘Get Even.’
Netflix’s second original Arabic-language drama series brings the tales of contemporary Arabic girls to life in one of the most authentic ways possible by offering an ever-changing view of the events through the eyes of several characters. Yet, more importantly, it covers subjects like alienation, friendship, and bullying to showcase that everyone is inherently both good and bad. Now, if you’re curious about the show’s filming locations and are wondering whether it is actually filmed in the Middle East, we’ve got you covered.
AlRawabi School for Girls Filming Locations
Created by Tina Shomali and Shirin Kamal, with the former also serving as the director, ‘AlRawabi School for Girls’ stars young Arab actors like Andria Tayeh, Noor Taher, Joanna Arida, Salsabiela A., and Yara Mustaf, alongside the experienced Rakeen Saad. Together, these skilled Arab natives deliver a series set entirely in their world to represent millions like them. In other words, the show is filmed in Amman, Jordan.
Amman, Jordan
The entirety of Netflix’s ‘AlRawabi School for Girls’ is filmed right in the capital and largest metropolis of Jordan — Amman. As the nation’s social, financial, political, and cultural center, and the 6th-largest city in the Arab world, it provides everyone – locals and travelers alike – with a trove full of treasure in terms of experience. The best part, though, is that the city is built on rolling hills, making it exceptionally beautiful.
Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Amman is one of the major cities used for filming in the country and has supplied appropriate set locations for numerous local and international shows and movies. Just some of these include ‘The Hurt Locker’ (2008), ‘Body of Lies’ (2008), ‘Bruno’ (2009), ‘Fair Game’ (2010), ‘Zero Dark Dirty’ (2012), ‘The Bourne Failure’ (2017), and ‘Messiah’ (2020). Unlike ‘AlRawabi School for Girls,’ though, only parts of these were filmed in the city. We should also mention that the school in itself is fictional.
Read More: Is AlRawabi School for Girls a True Story?
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