As a six-part documentary that delves deep into a series of unexpected, strange, and deadly events, HBO’s ‘The Anarchists’ can only be described as equal parts gripping as well as baffling. That’s because it essentially revolves around the anti-government ideology of personal freedom in every sense of the term, with Jeff Berwick’s Anarchapulco conference right at the front and center. So now, if you wish to learn more about this proud entrepreneur turned loud libertarian turned affluent anarcho-capitalist/anarchy activist, don’t worry; we’ve got all the crucial details for you.
Who is Jeff Berwick?
Jeffrey D. Berwick may have been rather shy while growing up in his homeland of Canada, but his creative mind and magnetic presence have honestly helped him achieve wonders over the years. He actually kickstarted his professional career as a rapper at 18 in the late 1980s before ultimately completely shifting gears to establish a financial news website aptly called StockHouse. This company was thriving within a few years thanks to the internet boom, yet he sold it for good once the market crashed and embarked on a journey of his own, according to the HBO original.
That’s when Jeff devoured more than a few thought-provoking texts from across the world, eventually landing upon the conclusion the state and the central banks control every bit of our freedom. “I just went on a 100-country party,” he said in the docuseries. “I was with every girl at every club for like five years, and when I had some free time, [I used to read]… Anything about freedom and finance; I read so much.” It was then that he decided to relocate to the beautiful city of Acapulco, Mexico, for not only the partying lifestyle it easily enables but also the freedom aspects.
Jeff soon began attending freedom conferences as well, yet because many of them were held in the US, which he deemed “one of the most unfree places on Earth,” he launched his own in 2015. The first Anarchapulco was a hit despite the fact it was not entirely well-organized (plus he was admittedly drunk throughout), and it has only reached new heights since then. The truth is that Jeff had already established himself as an actual anarchist by this point by launching a blog and hosting a podcast around the same, all the while (unsuccessfully) attempting to launch free trade zones.
Jeff Berwick is Spending Time With Family
At the age of 51, Jeff Berwick continues to be an active anarcho-capitalist, libertarian, “freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies: the state and the central banks,” and entrepreneur. He’s the co-founder as well as the Editor-in-Chief of The Dollar Vigilante blog, the host of the interview-style, anarchy-driven video podcast ‘Anarchast,’ and a heavy investor/promotor of cryptocurrency. As if that’s not enough, he’s even a public speaker determined to spread his message in the most meaningful way possible, yet we should mention he hasn’t made many appearances recently.
Jeff often refers to himself as a world citizen because he has lived in quite a few places since leaving Canada, but he acquired citizenship from the Dominican Republic in 2016. However, from what we can tell, the author of ‘The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire’ currently resides in Mexico City, Mexico, alongside his wife and their adorable pets. Furthermore, it is essential to note that he seems to have taken up meditation and cut off sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from his daily cycle in an attempt to lead a more relaxed, free life. If you want, you can actually catch up with Jeff through the exclusive content he uploads on different social media platforms almost 2-3 times a week.
Read More: What is Jeff Berwick’s Net Worth?
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