Prime Video’s ‘Cosmic Love‘ manages to stand apart from other dating reality shows through its unique and interesting premise of using astrology to help people find their significant others. The show primarily revolves around four individuals or elements who try and find their perfect partner from a group of sixteen single contestants. However, herein lies the catch as the elements are guided in their journey by the “Astro Chamber: which offers them astrological advice and even reveals their perfect matches. Nevertheless, it is challenging to bind love with rules, and thus, contestants are free to explore connections out of their own free will, as they discover if Astrology plays a part in love.
A native of Bend, Oregon, Danae DeSpain came across as a lively and down-to-earth personality. More, she even sought a connection with her perfect match, Connor, and the two seemed to be heading towards a promising relationship. Still, with the cameras now turned away, let’s find out where Danae is at present, shall we?
Danae’s Cosmic Love Journey
Danae came onto the show as a perfect astrological match for Connor Shennan and didn’t really fancy anyone else during her time in the retreat. Incidentally, Connor chose Yana for his first date, and the “Astro Chamber” selected Adrianna as his first match, forcing Danae to wait quite a bit before she got a chance to connect with her perfect partner. Eventually, in episode 2, the “Astro Chamber” led Connor to Danae and revealed her to be his second perfect match.
Interestingly, around the same time, Caleb showed quite a bit of interest in Adrianna, and she surprisingly reciprocated, leaving Connor quite disappointed. However, he soon developed a connection with Danae and got comfortable with her in no time. Connor and Danae’s relationship seemed quite promising in the beginning, and the two shared their deepest fears and desires. Yet, since the beginning of the social experiment, Connor had a soft spot for Yana, and once the “Astro Chamber” revealed her to be one of his perfect matches, his relationship with Danae began going downhill. Although Danae was quite fond of Connor and even planned to explore a future with him, the latter ultimately decided to eliminate her from the show.
Danae DeSpain Has Built Herself a Happy Life
Once filming for ‘Cosmic Love’ wrapped, Danae seemingly returned to her hometown of Bend, Oregon, where she is enjoying life surrounded by her family and friends. Moreover, the reality star also has an affinity for traveling and loves to share the memories she makes on social media. Although her Instagram account describes Danae as a blogger, sources have mentioned that she is trying to set up her own lifestyle brand. Although recent developments indicate that Danae is still single, she seems to have built up a happy life and is wholly focused on taking her career to further success. For that, we wish her the very best!
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