Netflix’s ‘Ginny & Georgia’ is a Netflix Original drama series. The show is created by Sarah Lampert and follows a 15-year-old girl, Ginny, who moves to a small town in Massachusetts with her mother, Georgia, and younger brother, looking for a fresh start. Georgia wants to provide her children with the kind of life she never had, and education is a big part of it. Therefore, the series is smartly set in Massachusetts, apparently known for having the largest percentage of residents with a college degree among all the states in America. If you are wondering where the filming of ‘Ginny & Georgia’ takes place, we have the details.
Ginny & Georgia Filming Locations
Filming for the first season of the series began in August 2019 and wrapped up in December 2019. It is one of the handful of shows releasing in 2021 whose filming wasn’t hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although ‘Ginny & Georgia’ is set in Massachusetts, the series is primarily filmed in Canada. The title, premise, and the New England setting of the series will remind viewers of ‘Gilmore Girls.’ The cast and crew celebrated the completion of filming on December 17, 2019, and actor Colton Gobbo shared a picture from the wrap party on his Instagram account. Here are more details about the specific filming locations.
Toronto, Ontario
The filming for the first season of ‘Ginny & Georgia’ took place in Toronto, the capital city of the province of Ontario and the most populous city in Canada. A few scenes were shot on location in and around Toronto, but the filming mostly took place in TriBro Studios, located on 6 Curity Avenue, Toronto. The studio consists of 3 stages which were used to construct various indoor sets of the series. The indoor scenes are mainly filmed on these sets. Toronto is a popular filming location. Actress Brianne Howey shared a picture from the sets of the series alongside actress Jennifer Robertson.
Big-budget Hollywood films such as ’Pacific Rim’ and ‘Suicide Squad’ have also been filmed in the city. It is a renowned center of business, finance, arts, and culture. The city is also known for its towering buildings, waterfront skyline, and ethnic and cultural diversity. Actor Diesel La Torraca shared a behind-the-scenes picture from the sets on his Instagram account.
Cobourg, Ontario
The small town of Cobourg, situated 95 kilometers from the city of Toronto, is also one of the locations where ‘Ginny & Georgia’ filmed. The town was revamped to look like a New England town, and several locations were transformed, including El Camino, a popular restaurant that was converted to the Blue Farm Café seen in the series. Filming also took place in Cobourg Lawn Bowling Club.
COMMUNITY: We are still Cobourg, Canada! Just a fun reminder that @NetflixCanada2 is in town filming Ginny & Georgia. They are touching up some of our Downtown Cobourg storefronts too! 🎨
— Town of Cobourg (@TownofCobourg) August 29, 2019
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