‘Heels’ is a drama series that centers on two brothers who try to carry on their father’s iconic wrestling legacy while dealing with their own demons. Set in the small town where the sport takes center stage, the show follows the two central characters as they each try to carry forward the spirit of their father’s memory. A colorful host of characters in the form of wrestlers and their fans make the show an energetic affair, which is balanced with its small-town aesthetic that underscores the importance of the family-owned wrestling promotion and its viability to go national. Are you curious about where ‘Heels’ is filmed? We’ve got you covered.
Heels Filming Locations
‘Heels’ is set in a small town in Georgia and is also filmed in multiple locations in the state. Filming for season 1 took place mainly on location but was delayed on a few occasions for various reasons. The production initially began on February 3, 2020, but was soon interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Filming for season 1 reportedly resumed on September 14, 2020, and wrapped up around April 10, 2021.
Sometime around October 2020, lead actor Stephen Amell reportedly suffered from the infection but fortunately recovered. Following his recovery, the actor also injured himself as he was doing many of the stunts required for the show himself. Let’s take a closer look at the show’s specific filming locations.
Atlanta, Georgia
The show is set in the fictional small town of Duffy, Georgia, where the two brothers run the local professional wrestling promotion—the Duffy Wrestling League. Filming for the show actually takes place predominantly in Atlanta in Fulton County, Georgia.
With many scenes centered around bouts of wrestling, a large part of on-location filming seemingly takes place indoors. This is why the show, which is set in a small town, is likely able to film in a large city like Atlanta. Filming in the capital city is also helpful to the production because of the wide-ranging production facilities it provides.
Cumming, Georgia
Located over 40 miles north of Atlanta, the city of Cumming in Forsyth County, Georgia, is used to give the show much of its small-town aesthetic. One of the major filming sites of the show in the quaint town is the Cumming Fairgrounds, which is located at 235 Castleberry Road at the center of North Georgia. The production crew, along with multiple trailers, were reportedly sighted around the fairgrounds, and multiple scenes were also filmed around and possibly inside the fairgrounds at night.
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