‘Reservation Dogs’ is a coming-of-age sitcom that follows four Native American teenagers in their rural hometown. The show’s comedy is largely driven by the antics of the youths, who regularly get into trouble, only to find their way out of it. The simple joys of small-town life play a central theme in the show and give it much of its charm. Therefore, the quaint aesthetics of the show’s backdrop play a significant role in its overall character. Curious about where ‘Reservation Dogs’ is filmed? We’ve got you covered.
Reservation Dogs Filming Locations
‘Reservation Dogs’ is set and filmed in Oklahoma, the South Central region of the United States. The show’s production team uses multiple locations across various towns in the state to develop its rural, small-town backdrop. Reportedly, the production was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic just as the showrunners were planning on filming the pilot. Once it commenced, filming continued through April 2021 and wrapped up in July of the same year. Let’s take a closer look at the show’s specific filming locations.
Okmulgee County, Oklahoma
The show is set in a fictional town that borrows much of its aesthetics from the city of Okmulgee in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. The pilot was shot in the city (except for one scene in Tulsa), and filming for the rest of season 1 also took place largely in Okmulgee. The town holds special significance for the Native American tribe called The Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Therefore, the city made a fitting location for the show that centers on four Native American youths.
Talking to a local website, the series director and co-creator, Sterlin Harjo, said, “Okmulgee has sort of this Midwest town feel. There was a lot of development, but it’s not like a city, so it feels like a rural town, and it’s close to Tulsa.” The nearby city of Beggs, located in Okmulgee County, is also one of the many filming locations in the state that is used to create the show’s characteristic backdrop.
Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Situated on the Arkansas River, the city of Tulsa is reportedly used by the production crew as its base and for filming the show. The large city is located relatively close to the city of Okmulgee, making it easy for the crew to shoot the small-town rural aesthetics that are characteristic of Okmulgee (according to the director) while being close to the facilities offered by a big city. A salvage yard in Tulsa was reportedly used as a filming location for a few scenes in the first season.
A portion of the filming also takes place in the city of Sand Springs, which is located in Osage, Creek, and Tulsa Counties. However, the city is predominantly located in Tulsa County and is used for on-location filming.
Other Locations in Oklahoma
The town of Terlton in Pawnee County, Oklahoma, is another filming location where the crew makes use of many of the local stores and establishments for on-location filming. Reportedly, Terlton Grocery, a store that had been closed for some time, was stocked up for shooting season 1. The production team also used a residence and a local church for a few scenes.
The town of Inola in Rogers County is also reportedly used for filming a few scenes of the show, which pays special attention to its depiction of majorly Native American areas and attempts to give viewers a slice-of-life perspective of them.
Read More: Best Native American Movies
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