Netflix’s ‘Tiger King’ began as an intriguing true-crime documentary series focused mainly upon the feud between zookeeper Joe Exotic and animal rights activist Carole Baskin, yet it slowly incorporated other characters as well. One such essential individual has been The Tiger King’s former business partner, Jeff Lowe, who has allegedly shattered all bounds to make money and have fun with different women. As season 2 highlighted, he’s not just a zookeeper but also a con artist. So now, let’s find out everything there is to know about him, shall we?
Jeff Lowe’s Tiger King Journey
Thanks to the fact that his grandfather founded the Robbins Brothers Circus in 1928, Jeff Lowe grew accustomed to big cats and other exotic animals at quite an early age. He had supposedly developed an unfaltering passion for them, which is why he agreed to serve as an investor upon learning about the financial troubles Joe Exotic and his G.W. Zoo were in. After all, he’d garnered a lot of money from his other ventures, including pet businesses, liquidation stores, and stealing from the Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse charity by posing as an employee to redistribute donations.
Once Joe was arrested for his offenses, Jeff truly became the owner of the animal facility, only to decide that he wanted to relocate to Thackerville, Oklahoma. Even when his partnership with Tim Stark fell apart, he proceeded with his plans and named the new zoo The Tiger King Park. However, the construction wasn’t over by the time he was named in the lawsuit where Joe owed Carole Baskin $1 million, and a judge handed over the G.W. Zoo to her in payment. Thus, Jeff had no choice but to take the animals and put them in small, temporary cages in the new park.
Before Jeff and his wife Lauren managed to open the wildlife garden to the general public, federal authorities raided it for violating the Endangered Species Act. They removed and relocated 68 lions, tigers, lion-tiger hybrids, and a jaguar in May 2021. Nearly two weeks later, the couple was arrested on DUI charges as well. As if all this wasn’t enough, the Netflix series also revealed that the known felon, who had once choked his ex-wife and still has several pending charges in Las Vegas, tried to have Joe Exotic killed before the plan to slay Carole even came to light.
Where is Jeff Lowe Now?
Today, although Jeff Lowe claims to want Joe Exotic’s freedom to save himself from possible charges related to animal abuse, he has refused to comment upon Allen Glover’s allegations of wanting to decapitate his then-partner to have him out of the equation. Furthermore, Jeff is a wanted man in Las Vegas, where he has four bench warrants against him because he failed to appear in court in September. The hearing was for the outstanding 2017 charges of Jeff doing business without a permit (one count) and not having a license for wild animals (three counts).
Jeff and Lauren’s social media presence indicates that everything is going well for them. But the truth is, apart from everything we’ve already mentioned above, even their landlord has sued them for “non-payment on the property” in October 2021. They also still owe money to the State of Oklahoma, which has accused them of not paying the required tax while they were running the G.W. Zoo. The Lowes are proud parents and seem incredibly content with their personal lives right now, yet it appears as if their legal troubles, especially Jeff’s, are far from over.
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