A revival, sequel, and reunion series of the famous ‘Jersey Shore,’ MTV’s ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ is a reality TV series that follows most of the original cast of the parent show as they reunite after exchanging marriage vows and bringing kids into the world with their respective partners. We get a glimpse into the lives of the gang as they reunite to take up residence together again in different parts of the country.
Following a similar format as the original show, it offers no less drama than before while keeping us up-to-date with the cast’s lives. They even travel to a few holiday destinations to relax and escape their stressful daily lives. Since they move across the country, from one location to another, it is understandable that you might be interested in knowing where all ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ is filmed.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Filming Locations
‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ is filmed in various places across New Jersey, California, New York, Florida, Nevada, Washington DC, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Connecticut, and the Bahamas. This includes Ocean County, Monmouth County, Atlantic City, Manalapan, Pompton Plains, East Brunswick, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Staten Island, Stony Creek, New York City, Miami, Florida Keys, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Hawley, and El Paso. Now let’s delve into more details about the specific locations that appear in the MTV reality show!
New Jersey
As the show’s title suggests, a significant portion of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ is lensed across New Jersey. In Ocean County, the borough of Seaside Heights and the township of Point Pleasant are a couple of filming sites that feature in the series. As far as Monmouth County is concerned, several important scenes are taped in the Holmdel Township and the beachfront city of Asbury Park.
Atlantic City and the township of Manalapan also serve as prominent production locations for the reality show. Moreover, the production team sets up camp in and around The Legacy Castle at 141 NJ-23 in Pompton Plains and the Park Chateau Estate and Gardens at 678 Cranbury Road in East Brunswick.
The production of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ also occurs in various parts of California. For instance, Los Angeles serves as one of the primary filming sites, as it can be spotted in more than a few seasons of the show. Besides that, you will likely spot the locales of the city of San Diego in various episodes. The city of Santa Barbara on the central California coast is yet another spot where the cast spends some time.
New York
Additional portions of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ are recorded across the state of New York, with some key scenes of the inaugural iteration filmed in the southernmost borough of New York City, that is, Staten Island. The cast and crew members reportedly traveled to the Big Apple again for the sixth season’s production. A few pivotal sequences are also shot in and around Stony Creek Ranch Resort in the town of Stony Creek.
Other Locations in the US
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ travels to several other locations around the country. For instance, in Florida, several scenes are taped in the city of Miami and the Isla Bella Beach Resort, located in the heart of the Florida Keys. Las Vegas, Nevada, is another of the primary production locations, as it features in multiple seasons of the series.
Furthermore, several key portions of season 4 were lensed in the Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa at 1610 Lake Las Vegas Parkway in Henderson and the Woodloch Resort at 731 Welcome Lake Road, Hawley, in the Pocono Mountains. Other important locations that appear in different seasons of ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ are Washington, DC, New Orleans in Louisiana, El Paso in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Connecticut. On top of it, the debut season featured a trip to Resorts World Bimini Bahamas at PPX9+4FF, Bailey Town in The Bahamas.
Read More: Is Jersey Shore Real or Fake?
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