Lawainna Patterson is a Dallas-based playwright who wrote the play ‘My Mistakes Do Not Define Me’ with Shelly Garrett. The play is based on Patterson’s own experience. The play has since been turned into a thriller drama film titled ‘Bid for Love,’ which premiered in the US on BET+ on June 23, 2022, on BET+. Erick S. Gray and N’Tyse turned Patterson’s play into a cinematic script with Arthur Muhammad (‘Carter High’) serving as the director. Patterson is credited as an executive producer on the project.
‘Bid for Love’ follows Sasha Morgan (Dawn Halfkenny), a young woman who spends five years in prison because of what her drug-dealing boyfriend, Memphis (Blue Kimble), did. After her release, Sasha is determined to get her life back. Memphis is long dead, but his influence still lingers in her life. She meets Malik (Adrian Lockett), who initially showers her with gifts but is soon revealed to be manipulative and controlling. Like Patterson’s original play, ‘Bid for Love’ is ultimately about the protagonist’s journey to self-empowerment. Here is everything you need to know about the dynamic playwright.
Lawainna Patterson is Focusing on Her Well Being
Lawainna Patterson, 54, is heavily active in the theater scene of Dallas, Texas. She was involved in the promotional tour for ‘Bid for Love,’ giving interviews to various news outlets. In a June 2022 interview with CBS DFW, Patterson reflected on what it meant for her to have her play turned into a BET film. “I’m excited; I’m still in awe; I’m like is this really real,” She said. “Yeah, it’s real; you asked for this.”
On the premise of the film, the playwright said, “I think that people need to know about who you are dating, and when you are dating someone, is it love or is it all a façade.” She also offered advice to women who might be in similar circumstances. “I just say you can always move forward no matter where you are. Just make sure whatever you want to do, you do it and do it to the best of your ability,” Patterson stated.

Patterson is active on social media, especially Instagram, where most of her recent posts are about promoting ‘Bid for Love.’ On May 13, she announced on Instagram that she would reveal where people could watch the film as soon as her producer, London Williams, gave her the green light to do so. She went on to thank the scriptwriters, Muhammad, and the rest of the crew and cast. Patterson also gave “special thanks” to her family — father, Bill, mother, Fran, and sister, Shun.
In the same post, Patterson mentioned Halfkenny, thanking the ‘First Impression’ actress for portraying a version (as Sasha) of her. She then thanked God, adding that this was just the beginning. She urged her fans to love themselves first and foremost, no matter what else they do in their lives. Besides ‘My Mistakes Do Not Define Me,’ Patterson also wrote the play ‘Sleeping with the Enemy,’ which premiered in 2018. ‘Sleeping with the Enemy’ was staged by Sisters of Freedom, the production company behind ‘My Mistakes Do Not Define Me’ and ‘Bid for Love.’
Read More: Is Bid for Love Based on the True Story of Lawainna Patterson?
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