Based on the British series of the same name, Peacock’s ‘Love Island USA’ is a dating reality television series that follows a group of attractive singles who live together in a villa completely isolated from the outside world as they try to make bonds with each other. Hoping to find love and friendship, the islanders must couple up with another islander in order to survive in the villa and take home the grand cash prize.
Hosted by Sarah Hyland, the series, as the title suggests, usually takes place on exotic islands where the contestants interact with each other in hopes of finding the one. So, it is natural for you to wonder which island is the villa located in when it comes to season 5.
Love Island USA Season 5 Filming Locations
‘Love Island USA’ season 5 was filmed in Oceania, specifically in Fiji. After the debut season, the fifth installment was the first time that the production returned to the island, sticking to the central idea of the contestants spending some time together on an island. Now, let’s find out more about the specific locations that make an appearance in the fifth iteration of the Peacock series!
Fiji, Oceania
The production team of ‘Love Island USA’ season 5 set up camp on the island of Fiji to lens all the pivotal sequences. The villa where the competition takes place in this season consists of picturesque and tropical views situated near the South Pacific Ocean. Giving off sunny and beachy vibes, the 45,000-square-foot villa, which was constructed by the filming unit in about seven weeks or so, possesses a number of colorful and gorgeous features thanks to the 50 neon signs, including 4 miles of neon lights and 15 miles of fairy lights.
The luxurious villa also features a bunch of rooms across the property, including a sunset room, a private lounge, and a kitchen. Covered with faux fur from the floor to the ceiling, The Hideaway is a room that comes with a “Press Here For a Good Time” button for additional surprises. Moreover, for the first time in the history of the dating show, the villa consists of the “Vibe Check” room, which is a lounge used for private chats and it also transforms into a comfortable sleeping area. This particular area within the villa might also be useful for two of the Islanders who aren’t yet in a couple.
Talking about the construction of the new Fijian paradise, Sarah Hyland gave away quite a few details in a conversation with BuzzFeed in July 2023. The reality show host said, “Our crew is so hard-working — and it’s so hot outside, they’re building all the things, they’re painting the stuff, and the landscapers are about. It’s such a beautiful thing. That’s why I talk about the villa a lot, because just the crew, the art department, and everything that goes into making the villa is hundreds of people working nonstop to create it. And the villa this year is going to be epic. It is massive. We have new features in it and it is on the beach in Fiji.”
Read More: Where Was Love Island USA 2022 Filmed?
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