Following the success of the first installment, Netflix’s ‘Tiger King’ season 2 has continued the Joe Exotic saga with even more entries than before. From those who once served alongside the zookeeper to individuals concerning Don Lewis’ vanishing to completely new faces, this series includes them all. However, one of the most surprising additions was that of Mike Busey, who sat by businessman James Garretson to hear his side of the story. So now, if you’re curious to know more about the former, his profession, and his current whereabouts, we’ve got the details for you.
Who is Mike Busey?
Born on December 19, 1980, in New Orleans, Michael Andrew Ward, better known as Mike Busey, is reportedly the nephew of Oscar-nominated actor Gary Busey. Some might assume that he had a comfortable life growing up owing to this relation, but that’s not the case, as evidenced by his accounts time and time again. Mike had relocated to Texas in 1982 and moved to Florida in 1988, yet he found himself in the foster care system within the ensuing five years. Nothing was ever steady for him, especially because he was raised by an abusive father in a trailer.
Mike graduated high school in 1999, but he was kicked out of a Christian college once he began rebelling, and that’s when he established Sausage Castle. The business essentially allows him to host parties, work with women he refers to as the “the Busey Beauties,” and rent out rooms to visitors and members to have fun. According to Mike himself, the Sausage Castle’s wild parties “are multi-day events and are similar to an adult summer camp that is attended by celebrities, athletes, social media influencers, and members.” Despite the negative media, with many classifying Mike’s work as lewd, he’s proud of his career because he has accomplished it all by himself.
Where is Mike Busey Now?
The Sausage Castle has given Mike Busey numerous opportunities, and its success has even led to several locations in and around Florida. Thus, today, he is not only an entrepreneur but also a podcaster, producer, live show host, and public figure who offers merchandise and memorabilia involving his business. Coming to his personal life, despite Mike’s significant social media presence, we don’t particularly have any information concerning his romantic or familial involvements. All we know is that he is a proud Florida native who is always open to new stories and ideas.
With that said, Mike has never shied away from his party-based lifestyle and often talks about it in interviews as well. “I’ve known different ways of life and different lifestyles growing up, but the Sausage Castle has been the most continuous, steady thing,” he told Vice in 2015. “It’s going on, like, 15 years now. I’ve never had anything in my life last this long, not even a Christmas tradition or a relationship—nothing. It’s one of the few places where I find some kind of sick, twisted contentment and inner joy and peace amid the ridiculousness of what I call my life.”
Read More: Where is Jeff Garretson Now?
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