Created by Max Malka, Netflix’s ‘Dance Brothers’ is a Finnish drama series that revolves around two brothers, Roni and Sakari, struggling to fulfill their dreams of becoming professional dancers. They decide to start their own club to keep their goals and hopes alive, bringing them unexpected popularity. But as the club receives a significant amount of exposure, its demands rise and clash with the artistic ambition and drive of the two brothers.
Not just that, but due to this conflict, Roni and Sakari’s brotherly bond also gets threatened. Starring Roderick Kabanga, Samuel Kujala, Jeanine Muyima, Cristal Snow, and Lauri Lohi, the show’s pace is reflected by its fast transition in the visuals and changing backdrops. This is why many viewers might wonder where ‘Dance Brothers’ is filmed.
Dance Brothers Filming Locations
‘Dance Brothers’ is filmed in Finland, especially in and around Helsinki. Principal photography for the debut season of the drama show seemingly commenced in April 2022 and wrapped up in June of the same year. Officially known as the Republic of Finland, the country’s diverse culture and terrains make for a suitable filming site for different kinds of projects, including ‘Dance Brothers.’ So, let’s not waste time and get a detailed account of all the locations that appear in the Netflix series!
Helsinki, Finland
For shooting purposes, the production team of ‘Dance Brothers’ travels to Helsinki, the capital of Finland. They move across the city to lens various pivotal sequences against suitable backdrops. As far as some of the important interior scenes are concerned, they are either taped on location or a sound stage of one of the film studios in and around Helsinki.
When it comes to the exterior shots, they are mostly recorded on location around different streets and neighborhoods. So, you will likely notice a few famous landmarks and attractions in the backdrop of some scenes, such as Hotel Kämp, Helsinki Cathedral, the Old Church of Helsinki, the National Museum of Finland, the Helsinki City Museum, the Military Museum of Finland, Didrichsen Art Museum, and Amos Rex Art Museum.
Moreover, Helsinki is home to several theaters, making it an even better production location for a dance-based show like ‘Dance Brothers.’ Some notable ones are the Finnish National Theatre, the Helsinki City Theatre, the Swedish Theatre, and the Alexander Theatre. Apart from the Finnish drama show, the city has hosted the production of numerous movies and TV shows over the years. So, its locales have been featured in ‘Night on Earth,’ ‘White Nights,’ ‘A Man’s Job,’ ‘Concrete Night,’ ‘The Man Without a Past,’ ‘The Other Side of Hope,’ and ‘Mobile 101.’
Read More: Best Dance Movies on Netflix