Created by Smriti Mundhra, Netflix’s ‘Indian Matchmaking‘ lets the viewers understand the process of matchmaking that is prevalent in India. The Indian reality show follows matchmaker Sima Taparia, who tries her best to set her clients up with the partner of their dreams. As the show unfolds, the viewers get to know how the modern generation of Indians views the traditional process of arranged marriage. In the series, Sima’s clients are scattered across the globe. Naturally, the viewers are curious to know exactly where the crew of the reality series travels in order to record the series. Luckily for you, we have just the answers you need!
Indian Matchmaking Filming Locations
Given that the cast members of ‘Indian Matchmaking’ reside in several locations in India, as well as the USA, the show’s production team is spread across the two countries. The spots within India featured in the show include the cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Udaipur, and Nasik. The places within the USA where the series is framed include Houston in Texas, Austin in Texas, Morris Plains in New Jersey, Denver in Colorado, and several more. Let’s explore the details of these filming locations.
Mumbai, India
The city of Mumbai in India serves as one of the primary filming locations for ‘Indian Matchmaking.’ If you didn’t know it already from Sima’s iconic opening statement, “Hi, I am Sima from Mumbai,” allow us to tell you that the matchmaker lives in Mumbai. The city is also home to Pradhyuman Maloo, Akshay Jakhete, and their close ones. Some shooting locations in Mumbai include the horse-riding establishment where Pradhyuman took Rupali Rai. The beautiful beachfront property where he proposed to his now-wife Ashima Maloo, née Chauhaan, is also within the city with a gorgeous view of the Arabian Sea.
Delhi, India
Businesswoman Ankita Bansal lives in Delhi, the capital of India. Hence ‘Indian Matchmaking’ takes the viewers to the city in order to tell about the life of Ankita. The reality star’s business is based out of Delhi, and her dates also take place within the city. Delhi is also home to Sima’s colleague Geeta, who the former contacted to find a partner for Ankita.
Udaipur, India
Also known as the City of Lakes, Udaipur is a beautiful and historic Indian city that is featured in ‘Indian Matchmaking’ in different capacities. Radhika Somani, Akshay Jakhete’s almost-wife, hails from Udaipur. Moreover, Pradhyuman Maloo’s wedding with Ashima Maloo, née Chauhaan, also took place in the beautiful city.
Nasik, India
Starting from season 2, ‘Indian Matchmaking’ lenses the scenes in Nasik India. The city is home to Akshay Dhumal and his family. Hence a significant part of the series. Akshay can often be seen hanging out with his friends and going on dates in the city.
Houston, Texas
For most of her life, Aparna Shewakramani called Houston, Texas, her home. Hence a significant part of ‘Indian Matchmaking’ is lensed in this city. Aparna’s mother, Jotika, lived here even when Aparna changed cities. Hence, the reality star and the show’s crew can still be seen in Houston. Several of Aparna’s dates, especially in the first season, took place in Houston. The ax-throwing establishment where the Houston lawyer went on her first date in the series is also within the city.
Morris Plains, New Jersey
Event Planner Nadia Christina Jagessar and her family hail from Morris Plains, New Jersey. Hence the borough is featured often in ‘Indian Matchmaking.’ Nadia is often shown meeting with her friends as well as dates in Morris Plains and the surrounding area. However, the series does show her working as an event planner in Morris Plains.
Austin, Texas
Vyasar Ganesan is based out of Austin, Texas, making the city one of the major production spots in ‘Indian Matchmaking.’ His dates in the show with Manisha Dass and Rashi Gupta take place within Austin. The show also shoots scenes in the Liberal Arts and Science Academy of Austin, where Vyasar works as a College Counselor.
Denver, Colorado
Denver, Colorado, was the home of Rupam Kaur, a cast member of ‘Indian Matchmaking.’ The divorced single mother’s part in the series is lensed within the city. While Rupam did go out with her friend on a day out in Denver, she is not shown dating anyone. As of writing, Rupam has moved out of the capital city of Colorado.
Durham, North Carolina
The beautiful city of Durham in North Carolina is home to Viral Kothari and her family. The place first appears in the second season of ‘Indian Matchmaking’ during Viral’s arc in the series. Her meet and greet with Aashay Shah took place in her home in Durham. The two go on multiple dates in Durham during their courtship.
Cleveland, Ohio
Arshneel Kochar is a medical professional based out of Cleveland, Ohio, who is one of the significant cast members of ‘Indian Matchmaking.’ The city first appears in the second season of the matchmaking show. During the process of finding a partner, Arshneel goes on dates within Cleveland in order to get to know his prospective partners.
Miami, Florida
Thanks to Vinesh Vasnani, the viewers of ‘Indian Matchmaking’ are treated to the gorgeous views of Miami, Florida. Vinesh and his close ones live in the beloved city, which is often seen in the show. As expected, Vinesh’s search for a spouse allows the viewers a glimpse of several beautiful locations in Miami.
New York City, New York
Starting from season 2, Aparna Shewakramani calls New York City, New York, her home. The reality star lives in the Manhattan area and scouted several properties in order to find the perfect living space for herself. Aparna also went on a date with Daman Baath within the city. The Big Apple is also home to Shital Patel and her family. Shital’s dates with Aparna’s cousin Avinash Shingwani also took place in NYC. The rock-climbing establishment where Aashay Shah took Viral Kothari is also in the city.
Chicago, Illinois
The city of Chicago, Illinois, is home to Shekar Jayaraman, whose journey on the show has been full of ups and down. The city is first seen in ‘Indian Matchmaking’ when Shekhar took Nadia and her mother Namita on a boat ride through Chicago. His following date with the New Jersey event planner also took place within the city. During one of the most heartbreaking scenes in season 2, Shekhar is shown on a beautiful bridge in Chicago. Arshneel’s first date with Rinkle Goyal also happened in the city.
Los Angeles, California
In season 2 of ‘Indian Matchmaking,’ Nadia Christina Jagessar traveled to Los Angeles, California, for business opportunities. Her heartwrenching date with Vishal Kalyanasundaram happened within the City of Angels. The establishment where Nadia and her friend Shreya decide to break a bunch of stuff is also in Los Angeles.
San Francisco, California
To meet up with Anjali Naskar and her family, Arshneel Kochar traveled to San Francisco, California. The bay area was the location for the first date between the two. As the two explore their relationship, the viewers are treated with several scenes lensed in the city.
Jersey City, New Jersey
At the start of season 2, Nadia Christina Jagessar is shown living in Jersey City, New Jersey. The party she throws for Sima Taparia apparently also takes place in the city. Later on, Nadia is also shown enjoying time with her friends in a house in Jersey City when Vishal Kalyanasundaram appears to sweep her off her feet.
Read More: Is Indian Matchmaking Scripted or Real?
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