Created by Lex Borrero, Netflix’s ‘The Signing’ (originally titled ‘La Firma’) is a music competition show that showcases the up-and-coming yet undiscovered musical talents of budding singers from Latin America, the US, and Spain. We get to see a glimpse into the journeys of these contestants as the cameras roll in places that other shows usually don’t. As the cameras follow them, it reveals all the drama, sweat, and tears the artists must endure to earn the title of a Global superstar.
With Nicki Nicole, Rauw Alejandro, Yandel, Tainy, and Lex Borrero as judges, the reality show offers a lucrative deal with powerhouse talent incubator NEON16 to the winning artist of the series. Unlike other music competition shows, it doesn’t stick to a single indoor location where the artists go face-to-face against one another. It unfolds in different parts of the city as the cityscape is featured along with several other exterior shots.
The Signing: Where Was it Filmed?
‘The Signing’ is filmed in Florida, especially in and around Miami. As per reports, the principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the music competition show commenced around March 2022 and wrapped up in a month or so, in April of the same year. Now, without further ado, let’s follow all the musical talents in their quest to become the next big Latin superstar and get a detailed account of all the specific locations that feature in the Netflix series!
Miami, Florida
The budding artists from different parts of Latin America, the US, and Spain come together in Miami to battle it out and find out who has what it takes to earn the contract that would change their lives for the better. Apart from the cityscape that includes skyscrapers and the Miami River, many important scenes for ‘The Signing’ are lensed indoors, mainly where the main competition occurs. Also known as Gateway to Latin America, Miami is known for the magnitude of its commercial and cultural ties to Latin America.
Moreover, Miami has several entertainment venues, museums, theaters, and performing arts centers, such as the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, the Olympia Theater, Wertheim Performing Arts Center, and the Fair Expo Center. As a result, the city tends to attract many singers, actors, musicians, dancers, and orchestral players. Hence, it makes sense why ‘The Signing’ is taped in and around Miami.
Since the musical competition series uses several outdoor locations during the shooting process, it is only natural that you might be able to spot some iconic and significant tourist destinations in the backdrop of many scenes. For instance, South Beach, Lincoln Road, Bayside Marketplace, Downtown Miami, and Brickell City Centre might feature in a few scenes of ‘The Signing.’
Read More: Is Netflix’s The Signing Scripted or Real?