‘Ordinary Joe’ is a drama series that follows the eponymous Joe Kimbreau as he takes a single, life-changing decision at his graduation. The show revolves around three timelines, each of which explores the long-running ramifications of each of Joe’s choices. It compares how life turns out for Joe when he chooses between following in his father’s footsteps, his passion for music, and the love of his life.
The quirky show is Created by Russel Friend and Garrett Lerner, along with Caleb Ranson. Set across three parallel storylines, the show has a varied backdrop that examines Joe’s life from every angle. Curious about where ‘Ordinary Joe’ is filmed? We’ve got you covered!
Ordinary Joe Filming Locations
The show’s pilot initially began filming in Illinois in March 2020 but was soon shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Production resumed in November of the same year, and the pilot episode was subsequently completed. Filming for the rest of the show’s opening season then started in California on July 27, 2021, and is scheduled to wrap up on December 10, 2021. Now, let’s take a look at the specific filming locations used to bring the show to life.
Chicago, Illinois
The pilot episode of ‘Ordinary Joe’ was shot in multiple locations in Chicago, Illinois, including Ravenswood Avenue. Filming also seemingly occurred around 495 and 1750 North Milwaukee Avenue. The production also made use of the Cinespace Chicago Film Studios, located at 2621 West 15th Place, to film several scenes. The facility is reportedly one of the largest in the country and has a sprawling area of 1.45 million square feet which contains over 50 soundstages. The production complex is also home to many other popular, long-running shows like ‘Chicago P.D.’ and ‘Chicago Fire.’
In addition, filming also took place nearby in Dominican University, which is located about 12 miles outside of Chicago in the suburban village of River Forest. Scenes featuring Joe’s graduation were likely filmed here at the private Catholic university, that lies exacted at 7900 Division Street in River Forest.
Los Angeles, California
The production team of ‘Ordinary Joe’ reportedly uses multiple locations around Los Angeles, California, for filming. A few sites around Santa Monica, west of downtown Los Angeles, are seemingly used by the production to shoot several scenes. There is likely a significant amount of studio filming being carried out for the show in Los Angeles, which boasts some of the best filming facilities in the country.
Considering the variety of backdrops required to depict the same character in three differing realities (or timelines), a studio space is likely the most prudent choice for the production. Lead cast member James Wolk, who essays the eponymous Joe, has also been spotted around Santa Monica on dates when the show is scheduled to be filming.
Read More: Is Ordinary Joe on Netflix, Hulu, or Prime?
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