Investigation Discovery’s ‘American Monster’ chronicles the story of Robert Whedbee and his 1994 attempted murder in an episode entitled ‘Unmasked,’ showing us exactly how his then-wife, Lisa Whedbee, and her lover, Michael Frazier, conspired to get him out of the way. After almost 27 years, we get a look into the case driven by greed, adultery, and lust, and it incorporates all elements that make a crime both heinous as well as memorable. So, if you’re here curious to know all the details about the matter and are wondering about the victims’ current whereabouts, you’ve come to the right place.
Robert Whedbee’s Attempted Murder
On June 7, 1994, 33-year-old John Robert “Rob” Whedbee went to bed alongside his wife of 12 years, Lisa, at about 10:40 p.m., tired after a long day of work and spending time with their son and special needs daughter. However, at about 1 a.m., he roused to some movement, smelt a cigarette (when no one in his household smoked), and had the eerie feeling that someone was standing over him. And then, suddenly, as he opened his eyes, he saw a butcher’s knife coming right towards him. Robert threw his hands in the air, and fortunately, the blade deflected, cutting only his arms and ear, causing no serious damage.
During the ensuing struggle between Robert and his attacker, the former shouted for his wife to get to safety and dial 911, but then, he saw her standing in the doorway, with a baseball bat in hand, frozen. According to reports, while Robert begged Lisa to switch on the lights, his perpetrator looked at her and simply said, “You’ve got to do it. Just do it now.” That’s when Robert realized that she was in on the attack as well and ran to the garage, grabbing the bat from her along the way. While there, he came face to face with his attacker, who turned out to be Michael Frazier, a journalist and someone he knew from church.
Robert somehow managed to call 911, reporting everything to the dispatcher, and later, the sheriff’s deputies. Subsequently, while Lisa was charged and arrested for conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, Michael was held for attempted first-degree murder. In a strange turn of events, though, it then came to light that Lisa had obtained a protective court order against her husband on May 29, after filing a complaint that said he threatened to beat her. Although, it apparently turned out to be nothing as it was Lisa and Michael who were convicted. Their motive was greed after being tired of hiding their year-long affair.
Where Is Robert Whedbee Now?
John Robert “Rob” Whedbee has since moved on with his life. Yes, he is still an attempted murder victim, and yes, the scars of it, both physical and emotional, still affect him from time to time. But it seems like he has made the best of his situation to lead a life of contentedness and peace. According to a few reports, the resident of Knoxville, Tennessee, and the owner of Whedbee Insurance Agency LLC., hasn’t spoken to his now ex-wife, Lisa, whom he divorced soon after the incident, for nearly 15 years.
Robert also co-wrote and published a book about the crime from his perspective 25 years after the fact, entitling it ‘Rude Awakening,’ which is currently available to buy off of Amazon and his website. In it, Robert details how he dealt with the aftermath of what transpired and how he learned never to let his spirit waiver so that he could rediscover trust and rebuild his life. By having different experiences and by simply living, Robert has proved to his assailants that he is the one who won in the end.
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