‘Sintonia’ is a Brazilian teen drama series that follows three childhood friends who each take a distinct path that shapes their outlook on life. It explores the role of music, religion, and crime in the lives of young teenagers from the favelas who find it challenging to earn a living.
Created by KondZilla (also known as Konrad Cunha Dantas), the series depicts the contrasting lifestyles of youth from favelas and urban cities. If you have watched the show, it is but natural to develop a curiosity about the locations seen in ‘Sintonia’ that perfectly portray various shades of life and culture in Brazil. Since you want to learn more about the show’s filming locations, here’s everything you must know!
Sintonia Filming Locations
‘Sintonia’ is primarily set in São Paulo, and most of the show’s events take place in the favelas. Filming of the first season likely took place in the first half of 2019. Principal photography on season 2 commenced in November 2020 and wrapped up in May 2021. Let’s take a closer look at the specific places used for filming the show.
São Paulo, Brazil
‘Sintonia’ is primarily filmed on location in the city of São Paulo, which is located in the southeastern part of Brazil. The cast and crew captured significant scenes in various parts of the city but mainly in the Jaguaré district of São Paulo. The neighborhood is known for its favelas, which is a local term for the slums in Brazil. Jaguaré lies in the West Zone of São Paulo and is an important commercial center in the city.
The lifestyle in the favelas is drastically different from the main city’s urban center. The series captures the zeal of life in favelas along with the struggles, which appear much more realistic due to the production filming on location. Fellow Netflix series ‘3%‘ is also filmed in a favela in São Paulo.
Favelas have also become a cornerstone of tourism in Brazil, as many people visit São Paulo with a desire to experience the culture and socio-economic climate in the neighborhoods. The city itself is a melting pot of various cultures and attracts a large number of visitors due to its unique architecture, nightlife, music, food, and natural attractions. Moreover, events in the city such as São Paulo Jazz Festival, the Brazilian Grand Prix, and São Paulo Fashion Week are extremely popular among tourists.
Read More: Is Sintonia a True Story?
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