‘The Bureau of Magical Things’ is an Australian fantasy series that follows Kyra, a teenage girl whose life takes a magical turn when she discovers a hidden world all around her. Suddenly holding the fates of magical creatures in her hands, she embarks on a surreal adventure with her friends that turns her dreary urban hometown into a place of wonder. The show finds a lot of its charm blending regular, everyday backdrops with a sprinkling of glittering magic. Are you curious about where the miraculous world of ‘The Bureau of Magical Things’ is brought to life? Here’s where the show is filmed.
The Bureau of Magical Things Filming Locations
Set in the fictional town of River City, the show is actually filmed in Queensland, Australia. The production takes place in locations across multiple cities like Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Arundel, among others. Season 1 was filmed in 2017 between July and December. The show’s follow-up season was initially slated to be shot between December 2019 and July 2020 but was interrupted by the Covid 19 pandemic. The production for season 2 resumed sometime later and concluded in September 2020. Let’s take a closer look at the specific locations where this show is brought to life.
Queensland, Australia
The show is filmed in multiple cities across the Australian state of Queensland, including its capital Brisbane. The fictional River City, where the show is set, is created using locations in Brisbane like the Story Bridge, which sits across the city’s major river. Maxwell’s shop is located nearby on 50-92 Holman Street, Kangaroo Point.
The city of Gold Coast in Queensland also features prominently on the show, serving as the stand-in for the main lead Kyra’s house located in its suburb—Southport. The house used for filming is located at 7 Talinga Crescent. The Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens, which can be found at 230 Ashmore Road in the Benowa suburb in the City of Gold Coast, also doubles up as a filming site. Scenes featuring Harvey’s Cafe were filmed in Neal Shannon Park, which is on 10 Beach Road in the coastal town of Surfers Paradise in Queensland. The park permanently closed down in early 2020.
The school where our young, magically inclined teens lead study is River City High. In actuality, it is the A. B. Paterson College, which is located at 10 A. B. Paterson Drive in the city of Arundel in Queensland. The all-important Department of Magical Intervention is also depicted using one of Arundel’s most iconic spots. The Arundel Hills Country Club stands in for the fictional department in the show and lends its grand building for filming several scenes. The country club can be found at 1 Arundel Place in the city of Arundel in Queensland.
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